quinta-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2015

Dreams Meanings letter L

Labor (birth)
Preparing for or laying the groundwork for a new beginning, a new creation, the start of something new, or a new phase in life, relationship, career, etc. 

The ability to make progress, to go to the next level, to "rise above" a certain situation. Also, the ability to make progress by taking one small step at a time. Can also represent the ability to escape from a certain situation or threat.

If you are in a lake in a dream, the lake represents the context of your life - meaning the setting and situations within which the your life takes place - "your world." Or it can represent "the unknown" - a huge, deep area which holds secrets.

To dream you are swimming or floating in a lake represents freedom from your usual limitations. 
A dream that the lake is rising over your head, or that you are being pulled under, represents overwhelming circumstances in real life. 
A calm lake in a dream represents peace or relaxation. 
Huge waves represent a huge "shake up" or chaos in your life.

A lamp or light in a dream often represents represent clarity or understanding, as in "shedding some light" on a particular subject.

To dream of a landlord represents an authority figure - someone or something in your real life who you allow to have some power over you in some way, or someone whose opinions you listen to.

A lantern in a dream represents security, protection, assistance, or clarity (either through understanding, or clarity of direction to find your way).

To dream that something appears larger than it does in real life can mean it represents something you consider overwhelming or especially important right now, or something your subconscious mind is telling you that you can't ignore and/or that you need to examine further.

Last minute
To dream you are finishing something at the last minute (at the last minute) means you'd like to avoid it, you're procrastinating about something, or you're afraid you'll end up having to rush something at the last minute. Waiting until the last minute can also represent passive-aggression towards an authority figure.

To dream you arrive late for something means you're neglecting a responsibility, or you'd like to avoid the thing you're late for. A dream that you are late (and you feel bad about it) can mean your are experiencing or fearing a loss of control (being controlled by outside circumstances) somehow in your life. Being late in a dream can also represent passive-aggression towards an authority figure.

Late Show with David Letterman
To dream you are on a talk show or that you are friends with a talk show host can mean that your subconscious mind considers that person a friend because you "interact" with them often, or like to "interact" with them by watching their show. (The subconscious mind doesn't see much difference between a person talking to you from the TV and a person talking to you in person.)

A lavatory in a dream represents the health and well-being of the mind, body, and/or spirit - especially through cleansing and releasing of the old, decaying, or toxic elements in your life. If the lavatory is messy or is in disrepair, you may need be in need of more attention to cleansing and releasing outdated or toxic thoughts, emotions, beliefs, judgments, or physical toxins or decay. To dream that you interacted with someone in a lavatory means that you're thinking about a frank, straightforward interaction with someone in your real life.

To dream of a leader (who is not you) represents an authority figure - someone or something in your real life who you allow to have some power over you in some way, or someone whose opinions you listen to. To dream that you are a leader (and you're not now) means that you have more potential to lead and influence others positively than you thought, or that you would like to be a leader in some way.

To dream that someone is leaving you means you are feeling abandoned, alone, or left behind in real life - in a current or past situation. Increase your self-care and nurturing, and seek out comfort and companionship from supportive friends and family. To dream that you are leaving someone represents an ending or a phase coming to a close in your real life, or that you are standing up for yourself and making needed changes in your life.

Feeling sabotaged in some aspect of your life, either by other people or by yourself, or that you are being taken advantage of, or that someone or something in your life is sapping your energy, time, attention, etc.

Left alone / left behind
To dream that you have been left behind means you are feeling abandoned, alone, or left behind in real life - in a current or past situation. Increase your self-care and nurturing, and seek out comfort and companionship from supportive friends and family.

To dream about your leg represents your ability to move forward, take action, and make progress in life.

A dream about lending something to someone means you feel you've given to them in some way and that they owe you something back.

Ability for action, decisiveness, and quick results. Well adapted for your environment. To dream of a leopard means that you are getting in touch with these aspects of yourself, or that these characteristics will come in handy for you sometime soon. To dream you're being attacked by a leopard means you fear an unpredictable attack on your integrity - emotional, mental, or physical.

Receiving or waiting for a letter in a dream probably means you're expecting, fearing, or hoping to hear from someone in real life. Mailing an outgoing letter represents you communicating with someone else.

A license in a dream represents official permission from an authority figure.

License, driver's 
A driver's license in a dream represents your unique personal identity - your self-identity, and the way you think of yourself. If your lose your driver's license in a dream, it means you need to get back on touch with who you really are, deep down. If your driver's license is taken away in a dream, it means you need to step up and take more responsibility for yourself.

License plate
A license plate on a vehicle represents your unique identity as it is seen by others, or as you choose to display it to others. A license plate in a dream can also represent others' ability to identify you. Purposely driving without a license plate in a dream would represent trying to hide your identity, or go unnoticed.

To dream that someone lies to you means you feel someone is being dishonest in real life, or that you're afraid they might choose to be in the future. Sometimes a dream about lying can mean you're feeling the world is generally dishonest or untrustworthy. Occasionally, a dream about someone lying means you have lied to yourself in some way. 

Lie detector test
To dream that you are being force to take a lie detector test probably means you're feeling afraid of being caught in a lie or in something dishonest, or that you're afraid of being falsely accused of something you haven't done.

A light or bright light in a dream often represents hope, goodness, or assistance - especially when it appears in the darkness. Light can also represent clarity or understanding, as in "shedding some light" on a particular subject.

Light, Spiritual (Holy Spirit)
To dream you are in the presence of the spiritual Light means that you are feeling particularly connected with Spirit during your dream, or that you are yearning for that kind of deeper connection with or assistance from Spirit.

Light switch (off)
Turning off a light switch in a dream can represent ending something - such as a conversation or phase - or having the "last word" on a certain topic. It can also represent lack of clarity or of information - as in being kept "in the dark" about something.

Light switch (on)
Turning on a light switch in a dream can represent taking steps to gain clarity or information about a particular topic or question.

Protectiveness, aggression. Ruling, trying to control people or situations, being in charge. Strength of character. Quiet strength - meaning strength without the need for action. Commanding respect through personal character, rather than through violence, manipulation, or control games. To dream of a lion means that you are getting in touch with these aspects of yourself, or that these characteristics will come in handy for you sometime soon. Occasionally, a lion in a dream means that you'd benefit by having less lion-like qualities right now. To dream you're being attacked by a lion means you fear an unpredictable attack on your integrity - emotional, mental, or physical.

Line, losing your place in
Returning to your place in a line and finding that someone else has taken it means you're feeling someone has "taken from you" in some way - stolen your limelight, taken advantage of you, or ignored your rights or needs somehow.

The power of observation and perceptiveness; quick response. To dream of a lizard usually means that these qualities are advantageous for you to have right now. Occasionally, a lizard in a dream means that you'd benefit by having less of these qualities right now. A dream lizard can also represent a person who you feel is showing these qualities.

A dream about loaning something to someone means you feel you've given to them in some way and that they owe you something back.

To see a lock in a dream means that you're coming up against an obstacle to getting what you want in a certain area of your life. A lock in a dream can also mean a need for more emotional or mental security, or that you need to focus on personal boundaries (strengthening them, or loosen them up a bit).

To dream you are locking something means you are worried about someone crossing your boundaries, taking advantage of you, or take something from you. You need to take care of yourself, maintain healthy boundaries, and maintain your personal integrity. 

To dream that a door you're trying to go through is locked means that you feel like you're coming up against an obstacle in some area of your life. Look for another way forward.

To dream you are looking for something in your locker means you are missing or seeking something in your life. If you can't find what you're looking for, it means you may get into trouble in real life if you haven't already, or that you're not living up to your responsibilities. To dream you are cleaning out or organizing your locker means your life could use some cleaning out and re-prioritizing.

To dream that you can't open the lock on your locker, or you can't remember the combination, means you are under stress and afraid things won't go well, or could mean that you are sabotaging yourself or holding yourself back from success.

To dream that you're using logic (to solve a problem or figure something out) means you're applying your logic to something in your real life, you're curious about something, or you're searching for an answer or solution. Dream activities like this can also mean that you're feeling some extra energy during the dream state.

Mental clarity, insight to deeper levels within, surfacing of memories and other things from the past.

Losing your seat, losing your place in line
Returning to your place in a line or to a seat where you were sitting and seeing that someone else has taken it means you're feeling someone has "taken from you" in some way - stolen your limelight, taken advantage of you, or ignored your rights or needs somehow.

Lost an item
A dream that you have lost an item usually means that you feel you've lost in your real life whatever that item represents, or that you're afraid of losing it.

Lost, being
A dream that you are lost usually represents feeling lost or powerless somehow, or that you are feeling directionless or don't know which way to go in some aspect of your life.

Love letter
To dream you have received a love letter means you could use more appreciation, affection, or TLC in real life. To dream you're writing a love letter means that you are appreciating the likeable or special qualities of another person in real life (whether romantically or not).

Eating a meal in a dream usually represents nourishment for the body, mind, emotions, or soul. To dream you are eating may also just mean you are hungry or your blood sugar is low while you're sleeping. To dream you are overeating or stuffing yourself may mean you're "stuffing" your feelings instead of listening to them, or that you tend to use food to substitute for real sources of happiness and love in your life. To dream you are interacting socially at lunch represents everyday social interactions in your life.

Solitary, silent, secretive, instinctive. To dream of a lynx usually means that these qualities are advantageous for you to have right now. Occasionally, a lynx in a dream means that you'd benefit by having less of these qualities right now. A lynx can also represent a person who you feel is showing these qualities.

To hear the lyrics of a song in a dream often means someone (your own intuition or spiritual guidance) is trying to give you a message. Think about what the lyrics say, and see which of them seem stand out. (This is not the same thing as just having a song going through your head during the night that you've heard recently, which doesn't usually mean anything significant.)

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