quarta-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2015

Dreams Meanings letter E

Strength - especially a strong spirit or character. Independence. Personal growth and healing (as in "soaring to new heights").

Earrings in a dream often represents the idea of adornment, especially as an expression of yourself or your style. To dream that someone gives you earrings means you feel that they simply want you to be happy. Occasionally, it means you feel they're trying to tell you who to be or what style to have. 

To dream of Easter means you're resonating with the Christian faith and the meaning of Easter right now - or that you're thinking of some event around that time, either an event from the past or one that you expect, want, or dread in the future.

Easter eggs
To dream of Easter eggs can represent Easter time (see Easter dream). A dream that you are dying or decorating Easter eggs means you are anticipating or remembering an Easter-related occasion. A dream that you are hunting Easter eggs can mean you're reminiscing about childhood, you're searching for truth or fun, or you have a need to feel special in a childlike way right now (reward your inner child - just because!)

Eating food in a dream usually represents nourishment for the body, mind, emotions, or soul. To dream you are eating may also just mean you are hungry or your blood sugar is low while you're sleeping. To dream you are overeating or stuffing yourself may mean you're "stuffing" your feelings instead of listening to them, or that you tend to use food to substitute for real sources of happiness and love in your life.

Eavesdropping on someone in a dream means you are curious about a certain person or situation, and possibly suspicious of the true motives involved.

To dream of a (bird's) egg with the shell intact represents a new beginning in your life. To dream of an egg that's cracked or rotten means that there's a problem situation in your life that you're avoiding and it needs attention. A human egg (ovum) in a dream represents femininity and the need to nurture or to be nurtured.

A number of spiritual perfection, also meaning "perfect in form" or "perfectly complete."

New, beginning a phase, making a fresh start. Also can mean there are things you need to learn through experience (learn the hard way).

Sheer strength and power, or elegant strength; strong presence; royal. To dream of an elephant usually means that these qualities are advantageous for you to have right now. Occasionally, an elephant in a dream means that you'd benefit by having less of these qualities right now. A dream elephant can also represent a person who you feel is showing these qualities.

High-minded or very spiritual evolved. To dream about the number eleven means you have a deep connection with spirit.

Eleventh hour
To dream you are finishing something at the eleventh hour (at the last minute) means you'd like to avoid it, you're procrastinating about something, or you're afraid you'll end up having to rush something at the last minute. Waiting until the eleventh hour can also represent passive-aggression towards an authority figure.

Graceful strength, versatile, noble. To dream of an elk usually means that these qualities are advantageous for you to have right now. Occasionally, an elk in a dream means that you'd benefit by having less of these qualities right now. A dream elk can also represent a person who you feel is showing these qualities.

Ellen DeGeneres Show
To dream you are on a talk show or that you are friends with a talk show host can mean that your subconscious mind considers that person a friend because you "interact" with them often, or like to "interact" with them by watching their show. (The subconscious mind doesn't see much difference between a person talking to you from the TV and a person talking to you in person.)

Communication. To dream you're sending an email message means that there's something you need/want to say to a particular person. To dream you're receiving an email message means you want or expect to hear from that person.

Responsibility for another person, animal, etc. Or a curiosity about pregnancy. A dream that you are pregnant could represent a real-life situation where you are taking responsibility for someone else, or that you are just thinking about and exploring the idea of pregnancy and what it would be like. 

Emotional bond
A dream about a bond or closeness between people represents an actual, desired, or imagined bond in real life. The people in the dream may represent themselves in real life or someone else.

Emmy Awards
Validation, recognition, and fame. To dream that you are receiving an award (such as an Emmy) means that you're feeling validated, recognized for your attributes, rewarded for your hard work, etc. - or that you wish you were. To dream that you are attending an awards ceremony and mingling with the celebrities probably means you're wanting to associate with more important people (in your mind) than you actually do, or that you'd like to elevate your social status and people's perception of you, or that you find fame and stardom fascinating.

Well-grounded, practical, earthy. Can also mean contrary or cocky. To dream of an emu usually means that these qualities are advantageous for you to have right now. Occasionally, an emu in a dream means that you'd benefit by having less of these qualities right now. An emu can also represent a person who you feel is showing these qualities.

To dream you are getting engaged means your subconscious mind is exploring the idea of commitment or new beginnings (romantic or otherwise).

Engagement ring
To dream you are giving or receiving an engagement ring means your subconscious mind is exploring the idea of making a commitment with someone in real life.

Attending to a crisis. To dream that you are receiving treatment from an EMT means you're subconsciously seeking help for an urgent or important problem in your life (physical or otherwise). A dream about EMT treatment can also simply be highlighting a situation that urgently needs attention, or a situation that will become urgent if it is not attented to soon. A dream about EMT treatment can also represent a subconscious fear that something will go wrong or a crisis will develop. To dream that you are an EMT (and you are not in real life) represents helping others with their crises and problems.

To feel envious in a dream means you're feeling envy regarding something in your real life, past or present. Consider how you can better support yourself to make your life more the way you want it to be. Time to acknowledge your feelings and express them in a safe, healthy way. (Try journaling.)

Eruption, volcanic
An erupting volcano can represent a buildup and then explosion of emotion - such as when someone keeps anger bottled up over time and then finally it comes out in a fit of rage. A volcanic eruption in a dream can also represent an experience or fear of sudden and unavoidable crisis or challenge in your life.

To dream that something evil is trying to harm you or is coming after you probably means you're having a Toxic Dream. It can also mean you have experienced "ill will" in real life recently (a mean or violent person, stories on the news, a scary movie, etc.), or something has triggered memories of these negative things.

To dream about an ex-boyfriend, ex-girlfriend, ex-husband, ex-wife, etc. usually means either that you have unfinished business with this person, or that you are fondly remembering something about the time you were with them and that you'd like to experience that feeling more in your current life - but most likely not with them.

If it's yours, excrement (feces) in a dream can represent an aspect of yourself (e.g., of your personality, actions, habits) that you consider undesirable. If it's someone else's in the dream, it often represents feeling that you've received undue disrespect from someone else or that you're being affected by someone else's problems or issues.

An execution in a dream represents the forcible end of a process or phase, which has happened in your real life or which you're afraid will happen. An example might be when a a boss fired you from a job, or when you were suspended from school, or when you were grounded (your process of going out what forcibly ended, and you might feel your social life had been "killed").

Experimented on
To dream that you are being experimented on probably means you're having a Toxic Dream. It can also mean you're feeling vulnerable and victimized in real life, or that you are fearing these things.

An explosion can represent a buildup and then explosion of emotion - such as when someone keeps anger bottled up over time and then finally it comes out in a fit of rage. An explosion in a dream can also represent an experience or fear of sudden and unavoidable crisis or challenge in your life.

An expressway in a dream represents a way to get from one place to another - either literally or symbolically (as in a course of action leading to certain results). An expressway in a dream can also represent your life path or life journey, or a portion of it - past, present, and/or future. To dream you are stranded on an expressway means you feel you're feeling stuck or lacking support somehow in your real life. To dream you are driving down an expressway and accidentally run off the expressway means you need to pay more attention to responsibility for yourself and your life somehow. To dream you're on an expressway and you get hit or injured means you're feeling vulnerable or unlucky in life, or are afraid such things happening.

Eyes in a dream can represent a person's soul or essence, their inner wisdom, or their means of self-expression. Eyes in a dream can represent prying or intrusion into your life or your space. Eyes or sight in a dream can represent "inner vision," knowing, understanding, or a connection with Spirit (the "All-Knowing One).


Dreaming of earthquakes or other natural disasters represents the things you are dealing with that are out of your control. It may be an unexpected problem or circumstance that you are stressed about.

Pleasurable dreams about eating mean you are happy in a real life relationship. If you dream about stuffing yourself or feeling sick when eating, you are feeling nervous or guilty about a friendship situation. To dream of eating alone means you're feeling sad. 

Seeing an elephant in your dream is great luck, signifying that you are laying a solid groundwork for wealth and success. You will have power, strength and prosperity. If you feed an elephant in your dream, you will elevate yourself in your community through your kindness. To dream of riding on the elephant signifies good news from afar, but to dream that you fell off while riding it suggests enemies are looking to harm you.

Descending elevators in dreams are usually negative, suggesting repressed emotions or anxiety about losing social status. A rising elevator also represents anxiety, but signifies that the trouble is almost over. Dreams about being in an elevator crash are common and symbolize some basic fear in the dreamer's life.

To dream of being embarrassed is a warning that one of your friends may be acting falsely. To observe others being embarrassed in your dream is a warning against repeating gossip.

Dreams about escalators represent changes in your lifestyle or romantic status. Going down an escalator is a common metaphor for entering into deeper levels of awareness. Going up means you will succeed in getting where you want to go, but there will be challenges along the way.

If you dream of an exam, it means that you are being put on the spot to prove an ability, your loyalty, or truthfulness to someone else.

Dreaming of being excited indicates there is something coming your way that will bring you happiness.

To dream about exercising is an omen of good luck if you enjoyed it. But if it was tiring or unpleasant, the dream is a warning to avoid forcing any issues - don't push or try to get an answer out of someone for a few weeks.

To dream that your eyes are closed suggests your refusal to see the truth about something. This dream can also mean that you are avoiding intimacy. You may be expressing feelings of hurt, pain or sympathy. To injure your eyes, get something in them, or be otherwise worried about them is a warning that someone is trying to trick you. If the main feature of your dream was the beauty of the eyes, the meaning is that you can count on the sincere love of those who matter to you. To dream of having a black eye also symbolizes your refusal to see the truth about something. You may be experiencing emotional pain, possibly related to a romantic situation.

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