quarta-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2015

Dreams Meanings letter G

To dream you are a member of a gang means you are wanting the feeling of camaraderie and the feeling of belonging right now. To dream you are victimized by a gang means you're feeling overwhelmed or taken advantage of by a particular situation in your life, or you are feeling powerless.

A garage in a dream often refers to your activities that allow you to progress and get things done in your life - planning, strategizing, goal-setting - things that propel you forward. Your car in a dream represents your ability to move forward in your life, and your garage is what keeps the car in good shape - so it represents the groundwork you do that makes progress possible.

Garage sale
To dream you are having a garage sale means that you have "cleaning out" on your mind, and it's a good time to get rid of things, beliefs, and patterns that aren't working for you anymore. To dream you're shopping at someone else's garage sale means you're thinking that other people are generally helpful to you - you can "benefit from what they have to offer."

Rejection, tossed aside, not wanted, not needed, or expendable. Also can mean distasteful or undesirable. To dream you are picking through garbage means you're dealing with having to do something you really don't want to do in real life. To dream someone is throwing garbage at you means you feel there's someone in real life who doesn't think much of you.

Garbage can
To dream of a garbage can represents the act of getting rid of or cleaning out. It can also represent neglecting responsibilities (by trying to toss them away - for example, throwing away a bill that's due).

Garbage dump
A person or place that gets "dumped on" with unwanted things, responsibilities, tasks, or toxic emotions or mental "garbage."

A garden in a dream can represent your life and all the aspects of it. Pay attention to the state of the garden, and any parts of it that feels significant.

Garden, vegetable
To dream of plants in a vegetable garden means the idea of personal nourishment and growth - and "reaping what you sow" - are important to you right now. You are looking forward to results from the effort you've invested.

Gas pedal
A gas pedal (in a vehicle) in a dream represents your ability to move forward and make progress in life. A gas pedal that's not working means you feel you're having trouble making progress in life. A gas pedal that sticks in the "down" positions means that you're having trouble stopping or slowing down in some aspect of your life.

A gate in a dream usually represents a passage from one phase to another in your life, or a new beginning. To dream about opening a gate means you are feeling confident enough for whatever's next in your life, or at least curious about it. You could also be searching for answers. A gate in a dream can also represent the entrance to a different reality, such as "the other side", heaven (such as in wishing you could visit a loved one who has passed on), or an imaginary place of comfort.

A gatekeeper in a dream represents a sense of control. If you are the gatekeeper, you're probably feeling that having control in your life is very important to you right now. If you're trying to get past a gatekeeper and having trouble, you have the perspective that others are holding you back. Be sure you're taking responsibility for your life and not just blaming others. 

To dream that you are enjoying a gathering means that you are in a social or festive mood. A gathering in a dream can also represent your interactions with people around you - either recent interactions, or possible future ones.

A gavel in a dream represents the ultimate or final authority or judgment. To dream that someone is banging a gavel means you're feeling subject to an authority other than yourself or vulnerable to others' judgments somehow in your real life. You may also have done something you could get in trouble for. Take inventory of irresponsible or dishonest things you've done and make amends (apologize and/or make things right).

A special or magical space or mood, or a wish for such an experience. To dream of a gazebo means that you are wishing for an escape from everyday life, perhaps a "shelter" from the storms of your life right now.

The power of observation and perceptiveness; quick response. To dream of a gecko usually means that these qualities are advantageous for you to have right now. Occasionally, a gecko in a dream means that you'd benefit by having less of these qualities right now. A dream gecko can also represent a person who you feel is showing these qualities.

To dream of a genie means that you have a fond wish that you would like to see fulfilled. You have a need that is not being met. Maybe you can grant yourself a wish? If the genie in the dream is mean, it could mean you are sabotaging yourself.

Getting caught
To dream you get caught doing something you shouldn't be means that you're especially mindful of watchful eyes right now. Getting caught in a dream can also mean you're curious or that the idea of intruding on someone's privacy or space is on your mind. Getting caught doing something against the rules or against the law means you need to take more responsibility for yourself and your actions.

Getting lost
A dream that you are lost usually represents feeling lost or powerless somehow, or that you are feeling directionless or don't know which way to go in some aspect of your life.

To dream that you receive a gift means that you'd like for this to happen in real life, or that you're feeling fortunate in your life right now, or that someone has actually been generous to you - or is about to be.

If you dream that you are drinking alcohol, consider the feelings that you feel during the dream. Drinking alcohol in a dream can represent a desire to numb-out and escape a problem or situation, or a desire to feel more relaxed or more interactive with others, or a feeling of boredom or the need for more fun/excitement in your real life in general (totally separate from actual alcohol). 

The ability to see different perspectives, to see things differently than others, or to see both sides of an issue; also, the ability to easily reach beyond what others can see or do. To dream of a giraffe usually means that these qualities are advantageous for you to have right now. Occasionally, a giraffe in a dream means that you'd benefit by having less of these qualities right now. A dream giraffe can also represent a person who you feel is showing these qualities.

Girl Scouts
To dream that you are in Girl Scouts or at a Girl Scout event means you need to participate and socialize more in a supportive community, including giving and receiving encouragement and recognition. There will be definite rewards for your investment of time interacting with others. You may also have the need to try new things or hobbies.

A dream about your real-life girlfriend means she's on your mind for a particular reason right now. Pay attention to what's happening in the dream for cues about your thoughts and feelings toward your girlfriend and/or the relationship. A dream about a girlfriend who is not your girlfriend in real life, and never has been, can mean your subconscious mind is exploring what it would be like to be closer to this person (as a girlfriend, or even just in general), or perhaps you just like this person, think they're nice, or find them interesting, or you've noticed qualities you like or admire. For a dream about an ex-girlfriend, see ex- dream.

To dream about a glacier means very slow progress in a certain area of your life, with seemingly bleak conditions. A dream of a glacier may also mean that you're feeling impatient.

Glass slipper
To dream that a prince presents you with a Cinderella glass slipper means that you are not accepting yourself as you are, and you may be in pursuit of a false perfection that can only exist in your mind. Practice loving and accepting yourself as you are, appreciating and celebrating your uniqueness.

To dream of something gloomy means a questionable outcome (you don't know what to expect), or that you expect a negative outcome, or you're feeling hopeless or dreading something.

A glowing light in a dream can represent life energy, hope, goodness, or assistance - especially when it appears in the darkness. Something glowing eerily can represent a person or force with unknown intent.

Gloves in a dream can represent self-protection, as in protecting one's self from others' cold or negative emotions the way gloves protect a person from cold temperatures. Gloves in a dream can also represent a masking of a person's identity or true motivations (as gloves mask a person's uniquely identifying fingerprints), or a person's denial of their own humanness or unique self - such as trying to feel no compassion or trying to act anonymously.

To dream you are over-eating or stuffing yourself may mean you're "stuffing" your feelings instead of listening to them, or that you tend to use food to substitute for real sources of happiness and love in your life. It can also mean that you feel deprived of the good things in life.

The ability to "make do" (resourcefulness), secure in one's own self, the ability to "climb" or make progress, agility. To dream of a goat usually means that these qualities are advantageous for you to have right now. Occasionally, a goat in a dream means that you'd benefit by having less of these qualities right now. A dream goat can also represent a person who you feel is showing these qualities.

God (Holiness)
To dream you are in the presence of God means that you are feeling particularly connected with God/Spirit during your dream, or that you are yearning for that kind of deeper connection with or assistance from God/Spirit.

God (religious figure)
To dream of a god usually means you are seeking spiritual guidance, comfort, or connection of some kind. To see a god in a dream can also be a reminder to look within for your connection with Spirit (because the dream is showing the Spirit within you), rather than looking to religious things and people around you. Also, consider what the idea of this god means to you.

To dream of the color gold indicates that you're feeling blessed, or you will soon. 

Gold coins
To dream of gold coins represents value or currency of some kind (monetary, mental/emotional, effort, energy, or other things of value) - something you tend to give and receive in your life. Gold coins in a dream can also represent treasure (financial, emotional, mental, or sentimental, etc.), even in an unexpected or hidden form.

A positive or happy attitude. To put on the "clothing" of happiness (represented by the goldfinch's cheerful color).

Returning home, or to that place of comfort inside oneself. Or outgrowing dependence on parents and establishing one's own independence and identity. Also, endurance and persistence.

The ability to see beyond the obvious (represented by the grackle's rich, iridescent colors one might not notice at first glance). 

To dream that someone painted graffiti on your property means you're feeling intimidated, threatened, or violated (mentally, emotionally, or physically) or you're afraid your boundaries will be violated somehow.

Grammy Awards
Validation, recognition, and fame. To dream that you are receiving an award (such as a Grammy) means that you're feeling validated, recognized for your attributes, rewarded for your hard work, etc. - or that you wish you were. To dream that you are attending an awards ceremony and mingling with the celebrities probably means you're wanting to associate with more important people (in your mind) than you actually do, or that you'd like to elevate your social status and people's perception of you, or that you find fame and stardom fascinating.

Moving forward in leaps, possibly amongst long periods without apparent progress. Or making progress in ways that don't appear to move directly towards a goal, such as through trial and error.

To dream that you are grateful to someone means that you're actually feeling grateful to that person in real life, or to someone whom this dream figure represents. To dream that someone is grateful to you means you feel that you've been generous in some way and/or that you deserve thanks in real life.

To dream that you're feeling gratitude means you're feeling particularly fortunate, blessed, and/or filled with Spirit - either in general, or regarding a particular situation in your life.

To dream of a gravestone indicates the end of a phase, a sense of loss, or a fear of the unknown. 

The color gray in a dream represents gloominess, drabness, dullness, or lifelessness (the opposite of vividness).

The color green in a dream can mean life or new life, freshness, vigor, coolness or a relaxing environment.

To dream you are getting married can mean you'd like to have a wedding (just the event itself), or you'd like to be in a marriage with someone, or you're feeling "on the spot" or the center of attention somehow in real life, or your reflecting on the closeness you have/had in a certain romantic relationship (past or present).

To dream you are participating in someone else's wedding, and you are happy about it, most likely shows your support and/or approval for that couple's relationship in real life, and that you wish them happiness. To dream you are attending or participating in someone else's wedding, and you are upset about it, most likely shows that you do not approve of that couple's real-life relationship.

The healing of wounds, especially long-standing ones.

Keeping to one's self a lot, sleep and dreaming, cycles and seasons. To dream of a groundhog usually means that these qualities are advantageous for you to have right now. Occasionally, a groundhog in a dream means that you'd benefit by having less of these qualities right now. A dream groundhog can also represent a person who you feel is showing these qualities.

A guage in a dream represents the idea of measuring, studying, observing, comparing, or figuring something out.

Guide (spiritual)
To dream of a spirit guide means you are either receiving guidance, support, comfort, etc. from a real spiritual guide - or that you would like to.

To dream of a guillotine represents feeling like your identity is being threatened in real life. A person's head represents their personality, or who they are.

Persistence, even to the point of pestering. Brazen exploration, especially where there are likely to be rewards. Capable in more than one "world" or arena, as the gull is capable on land, in the air, or at sea. To dream of a gull usually means that these qualities are advantageous for you to have right now. Occasionally, a gull in a dream means that you'd benefit by having less of these qualities right now. A dream gull can also represent a person who you feel is showing these qualities.


If you dream that you are in a garage, you may be bored with your life. You may also be feeling that you have no direction or guidance when it comes to achieving your goals. If you dream of opening a garage door, you have made up your mind about something. If you close the door, you are putting off your goals for the sake of other people. If you dream of driving a car into a garage, your accomplishments will bring you happiness and security.

Dreaming of garbage means you are ready to throw out old ideas and attitudes. It is a good dream signifying transition and renewal.

Gas Station
To dream that you are at the gas station indicates a need to reenergize and revitalize yourself. It may also suggest you should try to help others more.

In general, seeing ghosts in your dreams symbolizes aspects of yourself that you fear. This may involve a painful memory, guilt, or some repressed thoughts. You may be anxious about your ability to achieve something in real life. Or, you may be afraid of death and dying.

To dream of a gift means that something is coming to you, so have high expectations. It will make you feel better about whatever you are going through.

To dream of a girlfriend can be a straightforward representation of feelings or anxieties about your real life girlfriend. If you don't have one in real life, the dream represents a desire for more affection and appreciation.

To dream that you are drinking from a glass is an omen of good luck. If you dream of looking through glass, disappointments will interfere with your brightest hopes. To see broken glass in your dream suggests something you thought would last a long time will end surprisingly and too soon.

To dream that you are being gossiped about means that something good will come your way. If you are gossiping about another person, it will lead to humiliation for you.

If you dream of getting excellent grades, you will succeed because you have a great deal of confidence and belief in yourself. To dream of getting bad or failing grades is an insecurity dream. It symbolizes the dreamer's feelings of not being good enough and a fear of not having a winning personality.

Dreaming of grandparents symbolizes all of the encouragement that is instilled in you. You have confidence in yourself and do not need to hear it from other people.

A dream about grass, especially if you lie down in it, means you are comfortable and happy with who you are.
To dream of being grounded predicts an important problem involving a decision you will find difficult to make. Before you commit yourself, get advice from someone who is experienced in life. To dream of being released from a grounding means you have enough information to make an important choice.

May mean that you feel pressured by a male person in your life. It can also represent anxiety and the need for protection.

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