quarta-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2015

Dreams Meanings letter K

To dream that bad karma is affecting you means you're feeling subject to the ultimate authority, and you may have done (or are about to do) something that will get you in trouble or bring bad karma. Take inventory of irresponsible or dishonest things you've done and make amends (apologize and/or make things right).

The means by which you move forward in your life, and your personal responsibility to do so. Also indicates independence, inner strength, and a sense of adventure about life. A dream that you're paddling a kayak represents the way you're "running your life" right now, or have been recently, and that you're not afraid of a little hard work in life if it enables you to see amazing scenery along the way. 

Your self-identity and personal power. A dream that you lost your keys means that are compromising yourself or giving away your personal power somehow in your life, or possibly shirking responsibility for yourself.

To dream you are peeking through a keyhole means you are wanting to explore new areas or learn new things. Peeking through a keyhole in a dream can also mean you are curious about a certain person, and possibly even suspicious of their motives.

To dream that you kill someone means you're probably angry at them in real life, or that you don't want to deal with the problems or hassles you feel they cause you. If you kill someone in self defense in a dream, it means you're feeling attacked somehow (mentally, emotionally, physically) or like you need to defend yourself or stand up for yourself somehow. If you dream that you kill someone accidentally, it means you're afraid you'll accidentally hurt that person or something you do may be detrimental to them somehow - or that your subconscious mind is thinking things through to make sure this doesn't happen.

Killer whale
Authentic personal power, and the ability to make your life the way you want it to be.

To dream you are back in kindergarten again means you're feeling like a beginner in some area of your life. This would be a common dream to have when you're starting your freshman year, or perhaps starting a new job.

To dream you are flying a kite can mean you're in the mood for some recreation that involves a little work. Seeing a kite in a dream can also mean you need to pay more attention to managing your life and maintaining a good balance in your life activities - you are in need of more self-support.

Kissing, non-romantic
To dream that someone is kissing you, the way your grandma or favorite Aunt would, means that you feel the person kissing you likes you, you want them to like you, or you'd like to be friends with them, or you want their approval. 

Kissing, romantic
Usually, romantic kissing in a dream represents emotional intimacy (emotional trust and openness) or a feeling of closeness with someone. It can be a replay of when you felt close to someone, or it can mean you like the person or would like to know them better - and not necessarily romantically! If the romantic kissing in the dream is unwelcome, it can represent a misplaced attempt at emotional intimacy by someone else (such as a stranger telling you their secrets) or a feeling that someone is trying to act too familiar (such as acting like they are your close friend when they aren't). 

Your inner child, playfulness, self-responsibility. To dream about a kitten may mean that you need to take more time for yourself, have more fun, and nurture yourself and your sense of play more.

Your knee in a dream represents your ability to move forward, take action, and make progress in life. An injured knee means you feel that your ability to do these things has slowed down, or that you need to slow down for your own well-being.

Knife (as a tool)
A knife used as a tool in a dream represents your ability to make a situation work better for you, just as a knife helps you accomplish tasks in real life. Using a knife to cut food into smaller pieces in a dream can represent trying to get to the bottom of a problem or figure something out (to look at the smaller details beneath the big picture).

Knife (as a weapon)
A dream that someone is threatening you with a knife can represent a feeling or fear of: persecution, hostility, aggression, criticism, etc. from by another person or by "people in general." It can also represent a current or recent situation where you feel your boundaries have been crossed or your integrity has been compromised by someone else.

To dream you are turning a knob (such as a knob that controls an appliance) you're wanting a little more control in your life, or possibly more variety. To dream about grabbing a knob to open a door or cabinet means you are feeling confident enough for whatever's next in your life, or it could mean that you're searching for information, answers, or greater understanding. Dreaming that you're locked in a room and the doorknob is missing or broken means you're feeling trapped, at a dead end, or unempowered in your life somehow.

Knocker / knocking
To hear a knock on a door in your dream means that an opportunity will soon show up - or maybe it already has! Hearing a door knock in a dream can also mean you feel someone wants something from you or wants to cross your mental / emotional boundaries (represented by coming into the house in the dream).

A knot in a dream represents a particularly tough challenge or problem that it's not obvious how to solve. A knot can also represent security or control.

To dream of a religious figure usually means you are seeking spiritual guidance, comfort, or connection of some kind. To see a religious figure in a dream can also be a reminder to look within for your connection with Spirit (because the dream is showing the Spirit within you), rather than looking to religious things and people around you. Also, consider what the idea of Krishna means to you.


If you dream of being kidnapped or abducted, you are being controlled by your circumstances or by someone in real life. A dream about witnessing a kidnapping means you will receive unexpected news.

To dream about killing is not necessarily negative. It often means the dreamer is letting go of old habits and attitudes in order to go on to a new stage of life. To dream that you have been killed suggests that your actions are disconnected from your emotions. Also, it may mean that there are drastic changes occurring in your life.

To dream of being kissed often means the dreamer will realize something important that can help them to achieve success in real life. It can also mean that someone you know is not telling you the whole truth. To see others kissing in your dream suggests that you are too involved in their personal lives and relationships. You need to give them some space. To dream of a kiss on the cheek, whether you gave or received it, symbolizes kindness and friendship.

Dreams that take place in a kitchen signify the dreamer's need for emotional and spiritual nourishment.

To see a kitten in your dream signifies deceit and trouble ahead. If you dream about a litter of kittens, you may be drawn into a social conflict. This dream could also suggest that you are somehow feeling disconnected from the more feminine side of your personality.

If you dream about a knife, you may be worried about a male person in your life. This dream might also mean you can solve your problems by being honest with others about your fears and anxieties.
If you hear knocking in your dream, it may mean that your unconscious is trying to attract your attention and wake you up. Knocking can also mean that a new door will be opening and offering you a great opportunity.

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