quarta-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2015

Dreams Meanings letter J

Jaguar (animal)
Strength in speed and endurance, and sheer energy for the long-haul, as a means to reaching your goals. To dream of a jaguar means that you are getting in touch with these aspects of yourself, or that these characteristics will come in handy for you sometime soon. To dream you're being attacked by a jaguar means you fear an unpredictable attack on your integrity - emotional, mental, or physical.

James Bond
James Bond in a dream represents those characteristics he exemplifies onscreen: bigger/better than life, clever, hi-tech, secretive, powerful, always capable of avoiding/solving problems, and seeing women as objects, as weaker, and/or individuals who always need to be rescued. To dream you are James Bond means you're feeling like him somehow, or wish you did.

To dream that you are a janitor means you feel like you have to clean up other people's messes in real life - or fix their problems or come to their rescue in some way. A janitor in a dream can also represent someone else in your life who tends to clean up after other's irresponsibility - maybe even yours.

To dream of a jack-o-lantern means you are feeling festive and frivolous.

A jacket in a dream represents self-protection, as in protecting one's self from others' cold or negative emotions the way a jacket protects a person from cold temperatures. A jacket can also represent self-nuturing, self-care, or survival measures.

Jay Leno
To dream you are on a talk show or that you are friends with a talk show host can mean that your subconscious mind considers that person a friend because you "interact" with them often, or like to "interact" with them by watching their show. (The subconscious mind doesn't see much difference between a person talking to you from the TV and a person talking to you in person.)

Power, assertiveness, standing up for yourself and your needs. Also, bullying or inappropriate use of power. To dream of a jaybird usually means that these qualities are advantageous for you to have right now. Occasionally, a jaybird in a dream means that you'd benefit by having less of these qualities right now. A jaybird can also represent a person who you feel is showing these qualities.

To feel jealous in a dream means you're feeling jealousy regarding something in your real life, past or present. Consider how you can better support yourself to bring about the situations you want to create in your life. Time to acknowledge your feelings and express them in a safe, healthy way. (Try journaling.)

To dream of Jeannie (a genie) means that you have a fond wish that you would like to see fulfilled. You have a need that is not being met. Maybe you can grant yourself a wish?

To dream that you are eating Jello can represent the idea of having fun or eating fun food. Jello can also represent the idea of being flexible but still maintaining your core values, just as Jello can "wiggle all around" but still keep its same shape.

Jelly beans
Jelly beans in a dream represent fun and childhood. If there are many flavors of jelly beans in your dream, they can represent joyful variety or an abundance of fun choices in your life.

In a dream, a jellyfish represent dangerous beauty, or the dangers of the temptation of beauty, or something that you feel is a quiet lurking threat in your life.

To dream of a religious figure usually means you are seeking spiritual guidance, comfort, or connection of some kind. To see a religious figure in a dream can also be a reminder to look within for your connection with Spirit (because the dream is showing the Spirit that is within you), rather than looking to religious things and people around you. Also, think of what the idea of Jesus means to you.

Jewelry in a dream can have many meanings. To dream someone is putting on jewelry can mean they are embellishing their appearance or something they are saying. The type of jewelry can say something about your opinions of that person and how you think they want to appear. Jewelry in a dream can also represent the way a person wants to portray themselves to the world. Jewelry you're wearing or wanting in a dream can also show how much you value (or don't value) yourself, or how you attempt to improve your sense of self-value through superficial, material items (such as jewelry, clothes, manicures, etc.).

In certain dreams, jewelry can represent love, commitment, or a "treasure" given from one person to another. A piece of jewelry that feels very significant in a dream can also represent an important gift or characteristic of the dreamer, a treasured memory, or a touchstone of a certain idea or intention that's important to the dreamer. See also the specific types of jewelry.   To dream that you have lost a piece of jewelry means you feel like you've lost touch with a certain aspect of yourself or your life (depending on the type of jewelry), or that you have lost your sense of self-value somehow, or that you need to take more responsibility to care for yourself.

Jigsaw puzzle
To dream that you're doing a jigsaw puzzle means you're in the mood for problem solving and mental challenges, or perhaps you were already in this state of mind when you went to sleep. Dream activities like this can also mean that you're feeling some extra energy during the dream state. Dreaming that you're missing one or more pieces in a jigsaw puzzle means you feel like there's some piece of information or some insight you're missing in your real life.

A dream of a jockey represents you and the the way you're taking responsibility to "guide and manage your life" right now (or recently). The jockey represents you, the horse represents your life and your life circumstances. How well are you taking care of, guiding, and taking responsibility for the horse in the dream, and what does this say about your life? Try gentle horse-whispering, not managing by force.

To dream you are writing in a journal means that there's something you need to listen to within yourself. Tune into your quiet inner wisdom.

A judge in a dream represents the ultimate or final authority or judgment. To dream of a judge means you're feeling subject to an authority other than yourself in your real life. You may also have done something you could get in trouble for. Take inventory of irresponsible or dishonest things you've done and make amends (apologize or make things right).

Jumping rope
Jumping rope in a dream most likely represents a recent real life activity that is regular, contant, or routine, that requires skill, coordination, and/or concentration, and that uses up energy. In some cases, this may mean your job or other type of project you've been doing.

Junk food
Junk food in a dream represents poor nourishment for the body, mind, emotions, or soul. To dream you are eating junk food may also just mean you are hungry or craving certain foods in your sleep. To dream you are overeating or stuffing yourself may mean you're "stuffing" your feelings instead of listening to them, or that you tend to use food to substitute for real sources of happiness and love in your life.

Junk yard
Rejection, tossed aside, not wanted, not needed, or expendable. Also can mean distasteful or undesirable. To dream you are picking through a junkyard means you're dealing with having to do something you really don't want to do in real life, or you're feeling like you're getting someone else seconds or rejects (or feeling second-best). A junkyard in a dream can also represent the idea of discovering a "diamond in the rough" or that you'd benefit from the attitude of "one person's trash can be another person's treasure."

To dream of a jury means you're feeling subject to scrutiny or judgment by others somehow in your real life. You may also have done something you could get in trouble for or that will bring you bad karma. Take inventory of any irresponsible or dishonest things you've done and make amends (apologize and/or make things right).

Symbols of justice in a dream (court, judge, legal system, etc.) represents the ultimate or final authority or judgment and/or a critical need for you to take responsibility in your life. You may have done something that you could get in trouble for or that will bring you bad karma. Take inventory of any irresponsible or dishonest things you've done and make amends (apologize and/or make things right).


If you dream that you are in jail, you are feeling suffocated in a relationship or situation. If you dream your crush is in jail, it is a signal that this person is deceitful and untrustworthy. 

If you dream that you are jealous of another person, it is likely that such feelings are carried over from your waking life, even if you didn't realize it. To dream that someone else is jealous of you suggests that you have a fear of true intimacy. If you dream of trying to make someone else jealous, you are lacking a strong sense of self-worth. Work on gaining confidence in yourself.

Suggests that your physical health will improve. They also signify inner strength and confidence.

To dream that you are looking for a job suggests that you are unfulfilled and feeling frustrated in the current phase of your life. To dream about your current job represents your satisfaction and contentment with the way things are going in your life. It may also mean that there is some task that must be done at once.

If you dream of being on a journey, it indicates that you are making progress with an event or obstacle in your life.

If jumping over things is a strong feature in a dream, you will have great success in your real life endeavors. To dream that you or someone else jumps from a great height suggests that you are learning about and acknowledging aspects of your inner self. This dream may also symbolize your fear of not being able to complete or succeed in a task.

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