quarta-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2015

Dreams Meanings letter F

Feelings of abandonment, especially feeling abandoned by a "caretaker" such as a partner, employer, or by God. Feelings of a loss of security or control, or a sudden lack of foundation in your life, such as a situation where "the rug is pulled out from under you."

Falling asleep
To dream that you keep falling asleep and can't stay awake (when you're actually sleeping already) may mean that you are extra tired or sleeping very deeply. A dream that you are asleep and can't get yourself to wake up is often a Toxic Dream.

False teeth
Teeth represent your health and well-being, your ability to do for yourself, and/ or your ability to articulate and express yourself. To dream that you have false teeth when you actually don't in real life can indicate a feeling or a fear that one or more of these things is threatened (or will be).

Vulnerability, innocence. To dream of a fawn usually means that these qualities are advantageous for you to have right now. Occasionally, a fawn in a dream means that you'd benefit by having less of these qualities right now. A dream fawn can also represent a person who you feel is showing these qualities.

To dream you are hungry or famished can mean you are actually hungry or your blood sugar is low while you're sleeping. It can also mean that you feel deprived of the good things in life.

To dream of fangs means you're feeling threatened somehow in your real life - in a present or past situation - and/or that you are afraid of someone intruding on you, crossing your boundaries, compromising your integrity, or attacking you (verbally or physically).

Can represent your real-life father, an authority or caretaker figure (such as your employer), or can represent your spiritual parent - meaning God.

Eating a feast in a dream represents abundant nourishment for the body, mind, emotions, or soul. To dream you are eating a feast may also just mean you are hungry or your blood sugar is low while you're sleeping. To dream you are overeating or stuffing yourself may mean you're "stuffing" your feelings instead of listening to them, or that you tend to use food to substitute for real sources of happiness and love in your life.

If it's yours, feces in a dream can represent an aspect of yourself (e.g., of your personality, actions, habits) that you consider undesirable. If it's someone else's in the dream, it often represents feeling that you've received undue disrespect from someone else or that you're being affected by someone else's problems or issues.

The ways you put yourself out into the world, make progress among other people, and accomplish things in the world around you, and other similar actions.

Playfulness, cleverness, resourcefulness. To dream of a ferret usually means that these qualities are advantageous for you to have right now. Occasionally, a ferret in a dream means that you'd benefit by having less of these qualities right now. A ferret can also represent a person who you feel is showing these qualities.

Responsibility for another person, animal, etc. Or a curiosity about pregnancy. A dream that you are pregnant could represent a real-life situation where you are taking responsibility for someone else, or that you are just thinking about and exploring the idea of pregnancy and what it would be like. 

To dream you are fighting with someone in a dream can mean that you are angry with that person, or that you have something to express to them - possibly that they're not willing to hear in real life. Fighting in a dream can also represent your own inner conflict, or an effort to understand two opposing arguments points of view.

Figure, religious
To dream of a religious figure usually means you are seeking spiritual guidance, comfort, or connection of some kind. To see a religious deity in a dream can also be a reminder to look within for your connection with Spirit (because the dream is showing the Spirit within you), rather than looking to religious things and people around you. Also, consider what the idea of the particular religious figure means to you.

Figure (unknown person)
An unknown figure in a dream can represent many things - such as a vague feeling, fear, or unnamed threat, the feeling of someone's presence in your life, the feeling of something (problem, challenge, issue, to-do list item, etc.) lurking in your life right now. For clues to what the dream figure represents, consider the characteristics of the person, and your emotional reaction to their presence.

To dream of finances - the dynamics of money - represents value or currency of some kind (monetary, mental/emotional, effort, energy, or other things of value) - something you tend to give and receive in your life. To dream you are paying money or people are demanding money means you're feeling that life - or something in it - feels very demanding right now, or that people are tending to want things from you. To dream that you win money or someone is giving you money probably means that you'd like for this to happen in real life, or that you're feeling fortunate in your life right now, or that someone has actually been generous to you. To dream that someone owes you money means that you feel that person "owes you" or is indebted to you somehow - or that you have given more to this person in your relationship than you have received back.

Activity, busy-ness, talkativeness. Flighty, frenetic, easily flustered. Reactive (or over-reactive) to other people.

Fire in a dream can represent heat, destruction, cleansing, or getting rid of the old before bringing in the new. 

Fireball explosion
An explosion can represent a buildup and then explosion of emotion - such as when someone keeps anger bottled up over time and then finally it comes out in a fit of rage. An explosion in a dream can also represent an experience or fear of sudden and unavoidable crisis or challenge in your life.

To dream that someone is fired from a job can represent the a phase being ended (in a way that's out of your control), abandonment, or a feeling that someone is failing to support their agreement with you. A dream about someone being fired can also mean you are afraid of a particular change in your life - especially one out of your control - or that being fired from your actual job is on your mind right now.

First aid
Attending to a crisis. To dream that you are receiving first aid treatment means you're subconsciously seeking help for an urgent or important problem in your life (physical or otherwise). A dream about first aid can also simply be highlighting a situation that urgently needs attention, or a situation that will become urgent if it is not attented to soon. A dream about first aid can also represent a subconscious fear that something will go wrong or a crisis will develop.

Lacking emotions, or diminished mental & emotional capacity. Cold and impersonal. Or adept in a certain environment, as in fish's expert abilities to "breathe" and swim in water. If the dream fish is large or threatening, represents perceived threat or overwhelm in real life. 

Magic and unexplained miracles; awe, such as when you see a twinkling or shooting star.

A flame in a dream can represent the spiritual, the soul or essence, or the idea of eternity or infinity.

Flicker (bird)
Breaking new ground or entering new arenas, in terms of personal growth.

Your life force or energy level, your excitement about life and involvement in the process of living. To dream about a healthy flower represents healthy vitality, and to dream about a wilted flower represents a low energy or life force. Flowers in dreams can have many other meanings: consider what the particular flower means to you. For example, a red rose in a dream often means love or romance, and a white rose might represent peace. See also individual names of flowers.

A dream that a body of water is rising or flooding represents overwhelming circumstances invading your in real life. 

Flushing (a toilet)
A toilet in a dream represents getting rid of things, especially things that are used up, that are no longer needed, that have gone bad or are toxic. Examples might include outdated or toxic thoughts, emotions, judgments, beliefs, people or relationships. To dream about a toilet overflowing (meaning a toilet that will not flush) means there's a problem getting rid of the things described above - perhaps an unwillingness to let go of toxic or outdated aspects of your life, which are now polluting your mind/body/life. To dream that something you value got Flushed down the toilet means you feel you let something go that you feel you should have held onto in your life.

Transcendence over your challenges. To dream you are flying means a freedom (or a wish for freedom) from the limitations of your own mental, emotional, and physical challenges - freedom that is available by connecting with your inner joy, love, and Spirit.

To dream about a fly represents nuisance, neglect, filth, or feelings of being unclean.

Food in a dream usually represents nourishment for the body, mind, emotions, or soul. To dream you are eating may also just mean you are hungry or your blood sugar is low while you're sleeping. To dream you are overeating or stuffing yourself may mean you're "stuffing" your feelings instead of listening to them, or that you tend to use food to substitute for real sources of happiness and love in your life.

The number four in a dream represents order and organization in your life - either you have it, or you need more of it.

Four leaf clover
Luck, lightheartedness, optimism. To dream of a four leaf clover can also represent Ireland, or Irish characteristics or qualities.

Four-letter words
To dream you are using swear words to express yourself means that there's something in real life that needs expressing. Time to acknowledge your feelings and express them in a safe, healthy way. (Try journaling.)

Fourth of July
To dream of the Fourth of July means you're in the mood for celebrating or feeling patriotic - or that you're thinking of some event around that time, either an event from the past or one that you expect, want, or dread in the future.

Wily, shifty, elusive, having a misleading charm. To dream of a fox usually means that these qualities are advantageous for you to have right now. Occasionally, a fox in a dream means that you'd benefit by having less of these qualities right now. A dream fox can also represent a person who you feel is showing these qualities.

A freeway in a dream represents a way to get from one place to another - either literally or symbolically (as in a course of action leading to certain results). A freeway in a dream can also represent your life path or life journey, or a portion of it - past, present, and/or future. To dream you are stranded on a freeway means you feel you're feeling stuck or lacking support somehow in your real life. To dream you are driving down a freeway and accidentally run off the freeway means you need to pay more attention to responsibility for yourself and your life somehow. To dream you're on a freeway and you get hit or injured means you're feeling vulnerable or unlucky in life, or are afraid such things happening.

Moving forward in leaps, possibly amongst long periods without apparent progress. Or making progress in ways that don't appear to move directly towards a goal, such as through trial and error.

A funeral in a dream represents an ending - such as an ending of a phase of life, or a phase of a relationship, the end of a job, or of an activity. A funeral in a dream can also represent people's recognition of the end of a phase, since a funeral involves people gathered with purpose of recognize and honoring the person who has passed on. 

Fungus (infection)
To dream that you have an infection can represent a feeling of intrusion or invasion somehow in your life, a challenge, an inner conflict, an "infectious" thought (as in gossip or judgment), or a perceived imbalance of some kind on the emotional, mental, or physical level.

Funnel cloud
An overwhelming and/or destructive situation in the dreamer's life, most likely out of the dreamer's control. A feeling of being taken advantage of or victimized, especially suddenly or in an unpredictable way.


Falling dreams are very common and often happen when we've started something new, like a year of school or a job. Falling a long distance and landing safely in a dream means you should trust your instincts to safely lead you out of difficulty.

If you dream about family, it may be a way for your mind to express feelings and concerns about your real family that you could not express in daily life. Some believe that this dream usually has nothing to do with your actual family members, but rather the male and female sides of your own personality or self. So in a dream, your father may represent your expressive and protective aspects, while your mother could stand for your receptive and nurturing side. If family members behave very differently in a dream than they do in real life, or if unexpected things happen when you are with your dream family, the dream is probably a way of releasing your anxiety about real life family issues.

To dream of being fat often means you are feeling guilty about having done something you shouldn't. If you dream of someone else getting fat, you may have done something towards them that you regret. Or, it could mean that you are jealous of the person in some way.

Dreaming about a fear of yours means that you are having anxiety about certain events in your life. You may not be as successful in a particular task as you had hoped.

To see your own feet in a dream symbolizes your foundation, stability and sense of understanding. You may need to be more practical and sensible, or it can mean you are ready for more independence and freedom in your life. If you dream that you are washing your feet, you will let others take advantage of you. If you dream that you have big feet, people admire you and find you attractive. If you dream of having no feet, this foretells unexpected obstacles in your path. 

To dream of participating in a physical fight means that you will be threatened by someone about something related to your status or finances. If you saw others fighting in your dream, you are unwilling to admit your own problems and turmoil. You need to take more responsibility for solving your own problems in real life. 

Fire can represent passion and anger, and can also mean transition. If you dream of being caught in a fire, a transition will be difficult. If you dream of being warmed by a fire and the feeling in your dream is positive, it is a symbol of illumination, transformation and enlightenment. You are waking up to the positive powers within you. To dream of being burned by fire indicates that your temper is getting out of control. Some issue or situation is burning you up inside. To dream that a house is on fire signifies passion and loving companions.

Dreaming about fireworks means that you like to be the center of attention and are showing off to others. It also symbolizes enthusiasm and exhilaration.

Fish are lucky in dreams, representing spiritual growth and transformation. To see fish swimming in your dream signifies insights from your unconscious mind. To dream of catching a fish represents important insights about yourself and your life which have been brought to the surface. To dream about eating fish symbolizes your beliefs, spirituality, luck and energy. To see a dead or dying fish signifies disappointment and loss of power or money. 

Represents your support system of friends and family. It may also represent the division between your unconscious and conscious mind. To see a polished, wooden floor in your dream indicates that you are fully aware of your unconscious feelings and thoughts, and you are keeping these suppressed. To see a slanted floor in your dream means that you are deviating too far from your original plans and goals. If you dream that the floor you are walking on is sticky, you may feel that you are being repressed or held back by people who think they are acting in your best interests.

Dreaming of flying represents being alone and is a signal to think positively and have confidence in yourself. You can accomplish anything if you put your mind to it.

Pleasurable dreams about food mean you are happy in a real life relationship. If you dream of being chased or eaten by food items, you are trying to avoid a situation in real life that involves strong emotions. To dream about rotten or spoiled food suggests that you are feeling sluggish and emotionally drained. You may also be regretting missed opportunities for growth and pleasure. 

Dreaming of a forest signifies a feeling of being lost or confused. You are having difficulty finding a solution for a situation or problem and do not know how to conquer it.

Signify aspects of your personality that have been developing and making you grow as a person. The relationships you have with those around you are important in learning about yourself, so look to the friends you dreamed about for signals of personality traits they have that you desire in yourself, and work on those things. Additionally, dreaming of friends sometimes foretells that you will hear happy news from them.

Dreaming about being frustrated represents a feeling of being unable to cope with something going on in your life. You are concerned about the direction of your life.

If you dream of your own funeral, you are giving up a part of yourself or an old way of acting. This dream often means that you are trying to ignore a situation that needs to be confronted and dealt with directly. To dream that you are at somebody else's funeral means you are burying an old relationship and closing the lid on the past. You may be letting go of old feelings you've been clinging onto. If you dream you are attending a funeral for a parent who is still living in real life, you need to separate yourself from your parents' restrictions. The symbolic death may give you the courage you need to take the next step toward your independence.

Represents how you feel about yourself and your family. It refers to your relationships with others and how they fit into your life. To dream that you are moving furniture indicates that you are going out of your way to please others. Also, you may be changing your ways and trying to reevaluate your relationships/attitudes. To see old or worn furniture in your dream symbolizes outdated attitudes, former relationships, and/or old ways of thinking.

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