quarta-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2015

Dreams Meanings letter B

B. M. (bowel movement)
If it's yours, bowel movement (feces) in a dream can represent an aspect of yourself (e.g., of your personality, actions, habits) that you consider undesirable. If it's someone else's in the dream, it often represents feeling that you've received undue disrespect from someone else or that you're being affected by someone else's problems or issues.

To dream of a baby represents the need for self-nurturing, and responsibility for yourself. To dream that you are pregnant or that you have a baby that you don't have in real life can mean that you should pay more attention to your needs. Depending on how you feel about the baby, it can also be a symbol of taking on responsibility for someone else or that you are taking on too much responsibility. Occasionally, it can mean that you would like to have a baby or spend more time around young children. See also pregnancy dream.

Baby, having a
A new beginning or a new phase in life, relationship, career, etc. This could also be part of a dream where your subconscious mind is exploring what it would be like to have a baby. See baby dream.

An authority figure or person who you feel is responsible for taking care of others. To dream that you are babysitting means that responsibility for others is on your mind - perhaps because there's too much or too little of it in real life.

Bacterial infection
To dream that you have an infection can represent a feeling of intrusion or invasion somehow in your life, a challenge, an inner conflict, an "infectious" thought (as in gossip or judgment), or a perceived imbalance of some kind on the emotional, mental, or physical level.

To dream that something bad or evil is trying to harm you or is coming after you probably means you're having a Toxic Dream. It can also mean you have experienced "ill will" in real life recently (a mean or violent person, stories on the news, a scary movie, etc.), or something has triggered memories of these negative things.

A badge in a dream means authority or permission. To dream that you're wearing a badge means that you would like to empower yourself more in real life, or to feel better about yourself. To dream that someone else is wearing a badge means that you perceive that person as having or trying to take power or authority upon themselves - that they see themselves as "in charge" somehow.

Tenacity, perseverance, the ability to dig and keep digging until you get to the bottom of things (or to the truth). To dream of a badger usually means that these qualities are advantageous for you to have right now. Occasionally, a badger in a dream means that you'd benefit by having less of these qualities right now. A badger can also represent a person who you feel is showing these qualities.

A dream that you are playing in a band can represent relationships with others, or it can represent teamwork, cooperating, or creating with others.

Banks, Tyra
To dream you are on a talk show or that you are friends with a talk show host can mean that your subconscious mind considers that person a friend because you "interact" with them often, or like to "interact" with them by watching their show. (The subconscious mind doesn't see much difference between a person talking to you from the TV and a person talking to you in person.)

A basement in a dream represents your subconscious mind. Pay attention to what's going on in the basement and how you feel about it - it represents thoughts and feelings that are going on in your subconscious mind right now.

Stealth, having a secret weapon or special gift, having a higher perspective or understanding. To dream of a bat usually means that these qualities are advantageous for you to have right now. Occasionally, a bat in a dream means that you'd benefit by having less of these qualities right now. A bat can also represent a person who you feel is showing these qualities.

A bathroom in a dream represents the health and well-being of the mind, body, and/or spirit - especially through cleansing and releasing of the old, decaying, or toxic elements in your life. If the bathroom is messy or is in disrepair, you may need be in need of more attention to cleansing and releasing outdated or toxic thoughts, emotions, beliefs, judgments, or physical toxins or decay. To dream that you interacted with someone in a bathroom means that you're thinking about a frank, straightforward interaction with someone in your real life. See also bathroom stall dream and toilet dream.

Bathroom stall
To dream that someone looks into or comes into your bathroom stall indicates feelings of victimization or vulnerability. To dream of an intruder in your bathroom stall means that you feel someone is trying to invade your privacy or your space - mentally, emotionally, or physically.

Power, or a power imbalance. To dream a bear is attacking symbolizes aggression and/or protectiveness.

To dream of a beard on a woman means you consider them to have some masculine personality characteristics, or something about them that is usually associated with males. To dream you have a beard means you are afraid, of not feeling feminine enough or of a loss of femininity. A man with a beard represents an especially masculine man in your life.

Beat (attack)
A dream that you are being beaten or attacked represents a feeling or fear of: persecution, hostility, aggression, criticism, etc. from by another person or by "people in general." It can also represent a current or recent situation where you feel your boundaries have been crossed or your integrity has been compromised by someone else.

If you dream you are attacking someone, consider your feeling during the dream. If you are attacking in the dream because you are angry at them, you are probably really angry at them or something related to them. If you are attacking to protect yourself against an attack by them, you may feel threatened by that person's criticism, hostility, ambition, etc. in real life.

Beat (in a competition)
Dreaming you have won a competition represents the idea of excelling and doing well - either you feel that you are excelling, or that you'd like to.

The ability to build or create, embracing the idea of working in order to accomplish things, the ability to take things of little value and use them to create something grand. To dream of a beaver usually means that these qualities are advantageous for you to have right now. Occasionally, a beaver in a dream means that you'd benefit by having less of these qualities right now. A beaver can also represent a person who you feel is showing these qualities.

Your romantic relationship, especially communication and emotional intimacy within a relationship. To dream of a bed can also represent security and safety, especially emotional.

A bee in a dream can mean you need to focus more on the sweetness of life. It can also represent an under-estimated or hidden danger. To dream of a swarm of bees means you are feeling overloaded by many small things.

Communication or request. To dream that you are being paged represents being "called on" or requested to do something, or being needed by someone else - or expecting that you will be. Can also represent a desire to hear from a certain person.

If you dream that you are drinking alcohol, consider the feelings that you feel during the dream. Drinking alcohol in a dream can represent a desire to numb-out and escape a problem or situation, or a desire to feel more relaxed or more interactive with others, or a feeling of boredom or the need for more fun/excitement in your real life in general (totally separate from actual alcohol). Drinking beer specifically can represent that you are happy to be average, or it's important to feel like you belong. See also drunk dream.

Ancient wisdom, royalty. To dream of a beetle usually means that these qualities are advantageous for you to have right now. Occasionally, a beetle in a dream means that you'd benefit by having less of these qualities right now. A beetle can also represent a person who you feel is showing these qualities.

To dream of a beheading represents feeling like your identity is being threatened in real life. The head represents your personality, or who you are.

Bells ringing
The ringing of a bell or bells in a dream represents a message being delivered. For example, the ringing of a school bell sends the message that class is beginning or ending. The ringing of church bells sends a message that a significant event has occured. The ringing of a delicate bell or chime could mean there's a message you need to pay attention to, either in the dream or in real life. See also chimes dream.

Belly button
To dream that someone or something is attached to you at the belly button means that you're dealing with an "energy sucker" or someone who wants to have power and control over you through a promise of nurturing or taking care of you. To dream you got your belly button pierced means you tend to sacrifice your integrity or health for the sake of appearances or frivolity.

A bench in a dream represents an opportunity to rest, relax, stop, think, or wait for what's next - or whatever else you tend to do in a chair. Dreaming that you're tired and you can't find a place to sit down would represent a feeling of overwhelm or a need to rest in your real life.

Best man
To dream you are participating in someone else's wedding, and you are happy about it, most likely shows your support and/or approval for that couple's relationship in real life, and that you wish them happiness. To dream you are attending or participating in someone else's wedding, and you are upset about it, most likely shows that you do not approve of that couple's real-life relationship.

To dream that your loved one is betraying you can mean you're feeling insecure about your ability to hold their interest, or you're afraid of the idea of them cheating on you. A dream about betrayal can also mean you're feeling jealous about your loved one devoting time or attention to something other than you (work, a hobby, watching TV, using the computer, etc.) - having nothing to do with any actual cheating. To dream about someone other than a romantic partner betraying you means there's someone in your life whom you don't really trust. Occasionally, a dream about betrayal means you do not trust God (you feel God has betrayed you), or you do not trust yourself (you feel you have betrayed yourself).

Beverage, alcoholic 
If you dream that you are drinking alcohol, consider the feelings that you feel during the dream. Drinking alcohol in a dream can represent a desire to numb-out and escape a problem or situation, or a desire to feel more relaxed or more interactive with others, or a feeling of boredom or the need for more fun/excitement in your real life in general (totally separate from actual alcohol). See also drunk dream.

To dream that something appears bigger than it does in real life can mean it represents something you consider overwhelming or especially important right now, or something your subconscious mind is telling you that you can't ignore and/or that you need to examine further.

To dream you are paying bills or people are demanding money means you're feeling that life - or something in it - feels very demanding right now, or that people are tending to want things from you. Paying bills in a dream can also represent that you feel a favor has come due, and you owe someone (or you think they feel that you owe them).

bills (cash, as in a one-dollar bill)
To dream of money - bills, coins, a check, etc. - represents value or currency of some kind (monetary, mental/emotional, effort, energy, or other things of value) - something you tend to give and receive in your life. To dream you are paying money or people are demanding money means you're feeling that life - or something in it - feels very demanding right now, or that people are tending to want things from you. To dream that you win money or someone is giving you money probably means that you'd like for this to happen in real life, or that you're feeling fortunate in your life right now, or that someone has actually been generous to you. To dream that someone owes you money means that you feel that person "owes you" or is indebted to you somehow - or that you have given more to this person in your relationship than you have received back.

Freedom, soaring, meaningful success. Having a higher perspective or the ability to "rise above" pettiness and negative behavior. See also the specific bird; see also animal dream.

A new beginning or a new phase in life, relationship, career, etc. This could also be part of a dream where your subconscious mind is exploring what it would be like to have a baby. See baby dream.
birth control
To dream of birth control can represent actual birth control, or it can mean that you feel the need for precautions or security measures somewhere in your life, or that you need to pay special attention or manage things (especially right now) to help ensure the outcome you want.

A birthday in a dream can represent the actual occasion, or the idea of celebrating a person, giving them positive attention, good will, and/or other good things. To dream that someone throws you a surprise birthday party may mean that you could use a little more positive attention or recognition from those around you.

Birthday cake
To dream that someone is giving you a birthday cake means you're feeling someone is paying special attention to you, celebrating who you are, etc. - or that you would like to feel this way. See also cake dream.

Birthday party
A birthday in a dream can represent the actual occasion, or the idea of celebrating a person, giving them positive attention, good will, and/or other good things.

Strength through gentleness and moderation, ruggedness, sturdiness. To dream of a bison usually means that these qualities are advantageous for you to have right now. Occasionally, a bison in a dream means that you'd benefit by having less of these qualities right now. A bison can also represent a person who you feel is showing these qualities.

The color black in a dream can represent formality or authority, seriousness, night or darkness (see also darkness dream), hopelessness, or depression.

Black and white
To dream about something in black and white means you feel that it has no "color," no life, no vitality - or that it feels dreary, hopeless, or cold. To dream in sharp black and white can mean you're seeking great clarity or thinking very logically.

Ancient magic. Insight into the mysteries of life. Also, being content with what you are given, humbleness. To dream of a blackbird usually means that these qualities are advantageous for you to have right now. Occasionally, a blackbird in a dream means that you'd benefit by having less of these qualities right now. A blackbird can also represent a person who you feel is showing these qualities.

Blood in a dream can represent life force, life energy, or the essence of humanity. A dream that someone is injured and losing blood probably represents a situation in your real life where you feel someone is in a weakened state. A dream that you are bleeding most likely means you feel you are feeling weakened or tired (emotionally, mentally, or physically), or you feel something is sapping your energy or time or attention. A dream that someone else injures you so that you bleed means you are feeling threatened (emotionally, mentally, or physically) in real life - or you may be having a Toxic Dream

The color blue in a dream can mean royalty or distinction, honesty or sincerity (as in "true blue"), or average or "regular" (as in "blue jeans" or "blue collar").

Blue sky
The blue, daytime sky in a dream represents possibility, limitless potential, hope, and/or freedom. See also clouds dream.

Optimism, happiness, contentment. To dream of a bluebird usually means that these qualities are advantageous for you to have right now. Occasionally, a bluebird in a dream means that you'd benefit by having less of these qualities right now. A bluebird can also represent a person who you feel is showing these qualities.

Blue jay
Power, assertiveness, standing up for yourself and your needs. Also, bullying or inappropriate use of power. To dream of a blue jay usually means that these qualities are advantageous for you to have right now. Occasionally, a blue jay in a dream means that you'd benefit by having less of these qualities right now. A blue jay can also represent a person who you feel is showing these qualities.

The means by which you move forward in your life, and your movement along your life path. To dream of seeing a boat in the distance means change is coming. To dream of riding on a boat means that change is already happening, or will begin very soon. Riding on a boat can also convey the idea that you're skimming along the surface of life but not participating, or that you are feeling protected from possible threats. To dream that you are on a long boat ride to a different place means you desire to reinvent your life. To dream you are on a long round-trip boat ride (returning to the same place you started) means you need a break.

Boat captain
To dream about a boat captain represents an authority figure in your real life, someone who you're allowing to have a say about some aspect of your life and to make decisions that affect your life direction.

Solitary, silent, instinctive. To dream of a bobcat usually means that these qualities are advantageous for you to have right now. Occasionally, a bobcat in a dream means that you'd benefit by having less of these qualities right now. A bobcat can also represent a person who you feel is showing these qualities.

The body in a dream can mean many things. For clues to the meaning, consider why the body is showing up in the dream, what's noteworthy about it, how you feel about it. The body in a dream likely points to some awareness or realization, a desire, a fear, or an area where your subconscious mind is seeking information or clarification.

Body, dead
A dead body in a dream represents the end of a phase in some area of your life. If the dead person is someone you know, it can represent that you consider that person to be reaching the end of some phase before the beginning of the next, or it can mean that you are afraid of that person dying or becoming unavailable to you. A dead body can also represent the physical body in general, and how it is just a shell in which the soul, mind, body, emotions, and spirit live. See also dead and dying dreams.

Domination and victimization by an (often anonymous) authority over which you have no control. A dream about a bomb or missile coming at or near you represents feeling like a helpless victim in some aspect of your life where you feel powerless because of the attacker's authority and power.

A dream about a bond or closeness between people represents an actual, desired, or imagined bond in real life. The people in the dream may represent themselves in real life or someone else.

Bond, James
James Bond in a dream represents those characteristics he exemplifies onscreen: bigger/better than life, clever, hi-tech, secretive, powerful, always capable of avoiding/solving problems, and seeing women as objects, as weaker, and/or individuals who always need to be rescued. To dream you are James Bond means you're feeling like him somehow, or wish you did.

To read a book in a dream means you are trying to understand something, find information, or solve a problem in real life. Reading a book in a dream could also mean you feel pressure to study or read in real life.

Booze, drinking
If you dream that you are drinking alcohol, consider the feelings that you feel during the dream. Drinking alcohol in a dream can represent a desire to numb-out and escape a problem or situation, or a desire to feel more relaxed or more interactive with others, or a feeling of boredom or the need for more fun/excitement in your real life in general (totally separate from actual alcohol).

To dream of a boss represents an authority figure - someone or something in your real life who you allow to have some power over you in some way, or someone whose opinions you listen to. To dream that you are a boss (and you're not in real life) means that you have more potential to lead and influence others positively than you thought, or that you would like to be a leader in some way, or you have a desire for more respect from others.

Bowel movement
If it's yours, bowel movement (feces) in a dream can represent an aspect of yourself (e.g., of your personality, actions, habits) that you consider undesirable. If it's someone else's in the dream, it often represents feeling that you've received undue disrespect from someone else or that you're being affected by someone else's problems or issues.

Boy Scouts
To dream that you are in Boy Scouts or at a Boy Scout event means you need to participate and socialize more in a supportive community, including giving and receiving encouragement and recognition. There will be definite rewards for your investment of time interacting with others. You may also have the need to try new things or hobbies.

A dream about your real-life boyfriend means he's on your mind for a particular reason right now. Pay attention to what's happening in the dream for cues about your thoughts and feelings toward your boyfriend and/or the relationship. A dream about a boyfriend who is not your boyfriend in real life, and never has been, can mean your subconscious mind is exploring what it would be like to be closer to this person (as a boyfriend, or even just in general), or perhaps you just like this person, think they're nice, or find them interesting, or you've noticed qualities you like or admire. For a dream about an ex-boyfriend, see ex- dream.

To dream that someone gives you a bracelet usually means they are expressing the fact that they like you, and depending on the type of bracelet it can mean that they want a committed relationship with you. If you dream about this, it means you think this person likes you in real life, or you would like them to, or you're exploring how you would feel if you did. See also jewelry dream.

To dream of someone wearing their hair in braids (pigtails) represents girlishness, playfulness, or innocence. A dream about a braid represent complexity, components that "weave together" or "work together" in harmony, or the idea that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.

To dream that your brakes suddenly aren't working means that you fear a loss of control or security in your life, or you feel you're experiencing this somehow in your recent life.

Basic nourishment (physical, emotional, mental), or the means by which nourishment is provided to you. To dream you only have bread to eat means that only your most basic needs are being met - or that's the way it feels to you.

Break a promise
To dream that someone breaks a promise means you feel someone is being dishonest in real life, or that you think they might choose to be in the future. Occasionally, a dream about breaking a promise means you feel you have broken a promise to yourself, or that God or "life" has broken a promis or not delivered the way you think he/it "should." See also betrayal dream.

Eating a meal in a dream usually represents nourishment for the body, mind, emotions, or soul. To dream you are eating may also just mean you are hungry or your blood sugar is low while you're sleeping. To dream you are overeating or stuffing yourself may mean you're "stuffing" your feelings instead of listening to them, or that you tend to use food to substitute for real sources of happiness and love in your life. To dream you are interacting socially at breakfast represents everyday social interactions in your life. Breakfast as an element in a dream can represent the morning, or something that takes place in the morning.

Bridal gown, bridal veil
To dream you are trying on a bridal gown or veil means you are either looking forward to a real-life wedding, or you are exploring the fullness of being a woman, and all that that involves in the world you live in (women's roles, society's views of women, the way men in your life treat women, expectations your partner has for you, expectations you have on yourself as a woman, etc.).

To dream you are getting married can mean you'd like to have a wedding (just the event itself), or you'd like to be in a marriage with someone, or you're feeling "on the spot" or the center of attention somehow in real life, or your reflecting on the closeness you have/had in a certain romantic relationship (past or present).

To dream you are participating in someone else's wedding, and you are happy about it, most likely shows your support and/or approval for that couple's relationship in real life, and that you wish them happiness. To dream you are attending or participating in someone else's wedding, and you are upset about it, most likely shows that you do not approve of that couple's real-life relationship.

A bridge in a dream usually represents a passage from one phase to another in your life, or a transition to a new beginning. A bridge can exist in a dream to show a connection from one dream area - or one point in time - to the next, or it can represent the connection between one part of your life and another part, or the connection between you and another person. A bridge in a dream can also represent the ability to move above the challenges in your life, escaping difficulties (as in a dream bridge that lets you cross over dangerous waters below) - or taking a shortcut or more direct route. For clues about the meaning of your dream bridge, look at what is being portrayed on each side of the bridge, and under the bridge.

Bright light
A bright light in a dream often represents hope, goodness, or assistance - especially when it appears in the darkness. Light can also represent clarity or understanding, as in "shedding some light" on a particular subject.

Broken leg
A perceived or real impediment to progress in your life. The leg represents the ability to move forward, take action, and make progress in life. An injured or broken leg means you feel that your ability to do these things has slowed down, or that you need to slow down for your own well-being.

The course or path or flow of your life. A dream that a brook is flowing well represents peace or contentment with life or surrender to a higher power. A dream about a dry brook represents a feeling that your life is empty or not moving forward. A dream that a brook is overflowing its banks represents feeling overwhelmed with a particular aspect of life, or possibly a feeling of abundance. See also water dream.

The color brown in a dream can mean earthy-ness or natural-ness - or it can be associated with autumn, which represents the "winding down" of a phase or cycle.

brownie (chocolate)
A brownie can symbolize a "denseness of sweet" emotion, or abundance of joy or positivity. To dream that you are eating a brownie can also mean that you are actually hungry, or craving sweets or chocolate.

Brownies (Girl Scouts)
To dream that you are in Brownies or at a Brownie event means you need more support and encouragement from others, and a feeling of belonging in a community. It may also mean that you need more constructive fun in your life, like a new hobby.

To dream of a religious figure usually means you are seeking spiritual guidance, comfort, or connection of some kind. To see a religious figure in a dream can also be a reminder to look within for your connection with Spirit (because the dream is showing the Spirit that is within you), rather than looking to religious things and people around you. Also, think of what the idea of Buddha means to you.

A building in a dream often represents you or your life. If it's an office building, it might represent your work life. The dream events that happen in the building represent events in your life (or work life). If present in the dream, a basement usually represents your subconscious, the top floor your spirituality, and the floors in between your current life.

Bulb, light
A light bulb in a dream can represent a "bright idea," creativity, or resourcefulness. A light bulb or light in a dream can also represent clarity or understanding, as in "shedding some light" on a particular subject.

Aggressiveness and a no-nonsense attitude; virility, masculinity. To dream of a bull usually means that these qualities are advantageous for you to have right now. Occasionally, a bull in a dream means that you'd benefit by having less of these qualities right now. A bull can also represent a person who you feel is showing these qualities.

A bully in a dream represents abuse of power or authority.

Bus driver
A bus driver in your dreams represents an authority figure in your real life, someone who you're allowing to have a say about some aspect of your life and to make decisions that affect your life direction.
A dream that you're driving a bus represents the way you're "running your life" right now, or the way you have been recently - probably a feeling that you're taking charge of your life and your responsibilities. If you crash the bus in the dream, it means you're having some difficulty handling things right now. Consider getting some help and good advice.

Strength through gentleness and moderation, ruggedness, sturdiness. To dream of a buffalo usually means that these qualities are advantageous for you to have right now. Occasionally, a buffalo in a dream means that you'd benefit by having less of these qualities right now. A buffalo can also represent a person who you feel is showing these qualities.

Bumble bee
A bumble bee in a dream can mean you need to focus more on the sweetness of life. It can also represent an under-estimated or hidden danger. A bumble also can represent the miracle of flight - or the magical difference that an attitude of joy and positivity can make.

Burial (funeral)
To dream of a burial, such as at a funeral, represents "putting something to rest" - such as a phase, a relationship or phase of a relationship, a period in your life, a disagreement, etc. See also bury dream.

To dream that you bury an object can mean that you are unwilling to deal with or avoiding whatever that object represents. Burying an object can also mean you are "putting it to rest" - thus ending a phase of some kind. See also burial dream.

Transformation, transition, phases. To dream of a butterfly can mean that you have come through a transition (just as a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly), or that transition is significant in your life right now.   Also, carefree joy. To dream of a butterfly can mean that these qualities are advantageous for you to have right now. Occasionally, a butterfly in a dream means that you'd benefit by having less of these qualities right now. A butterfly can also represent a person who you feel is showing these qualities.

Taking from others to give to yourself, including disrespecting or judging others in order to boost your own ego. Also, the cycle of life - especially nature's tendencies to recycle. Also can mean an end before a new beginning. To dream of a buzzard usually means that one or more these qualities are significant to you right now. A buzzard can also represent a person who you feel is showing these qualities.

Other meanings...

A baby signifies innocence, warmth and new beginnings. A love may be blooming for you in your near future. You will also make fun new friends. Babies may also symbolize something pure in your own inner nature. If you dream of a crying baby, part of yourself may feel deprived of attention and affection.

To dream of babysitting children represents your need to make stronger friendships based on real affection and values, instead of superficial things. If the baby you are taking care of is crying, you are lacking understanding from others. If you dream that someone is babysitting you, you are frustrated that others try to manage your life for you. In other words, you want more freedom.

Often represents unfinished business; part of it is your own, and part is stress you feel on behalf of others. If the bag on your back is overly heavy or very large, you're carrying an unreasonable burden in real life.

Dreaming of a green, grassy backyard is a forecast of personal happiness. If the yard was messy, weedy or you felt scared, there are hostile influences around you at the moment and you should avoid any changes for the time being.

Balance Scale
Dreams containing a scale may represent your need to make an important decision. You need to weigh both sides of the argument. A dream of a scale may also represent your preoccupation with your weight and body image.

To dream that you were on a balcony refers to your desire to be seen and noticed. It may also mean that you are on your way up the social ladder. If the balcony collapsed or seemed dangerous, you may hear sad news about, or from, distant friends.

To dream that you are in a bar represents your desire to escape stressful situations occurring in your life and retreat to a peaceful or relaxing environment.

To dream that you are barefoot represents your playfulness and relaxed, carefree attitude.

Symbolizes your unconscious mind and intuition. If the basement is clean and neat, you are happy and well-adjusted. If the basement is dark and spooky or messy and dirty, you are unhappy with your life right now.

Often represents the constant nagging of the pestering and annoying people around you and the events associated with them.

If you dream that you are in the bathroom, you may be due for a period of self-renewal. It's time to get rid of some burdens or emotions that are weighing you down.

The beach in your dream symbolizes the meeting between your two states of mind. The sand represents your rational brain, while the water symbolizes your irrational and emotional aspects. To dream that you are on the beach and looking out toward the ocean indicates unknown and major changes that are occurring in your life. To dream that you are looking toward the beach suggests that you are returning to what is familiar to you. To dream of relaxing on a beach means that the coming weeks will be calm and peaceful for you. To dream that you are working on the beach represents a project that will take up most of your time.

To dream that you are in the bedroom signifies aspects of yourself that you keep private. It also represents feelings regarding your intimate relationships. A neatly made bed means you feel in control. A messy bed represents a difficult relationship.

To dream that you have been betrayed represents your suspicions of another person, relationship, or situation. This dream usually occurs when you have feelings of insecurities and are facing major commitments.

To dream that you are riding a bicycle signifies the need to balance work and pleasure in your life.

To dream of giving birth can represent the beginning of a new project or stage of life. If you dream that you are giving birth to anything non-human, you are holding back from expressing your inner creativity and "real" self because you fear that others will judge you or that they will not accept your ideals. More obviously, it may represent anxiety about being pregnant. This dream is very common among pregnant women and represents anxieties over the health of the baby.

Blood in a dream can have many meanings. To dream that you are bleeding represents feeling a loss of power. You may be suffering from exhaustion or feeling emotionally drained. It may also denote bitter confrontations between you and your friends. Your past actions may have come back to haunt you. Try to avoid any sort of controversy with friends or relatives.

A boat in your dream symbolizes how well you cope and express your emotions. If you mainly experience "smooth sailing," you're good at handling your feelings. It's also a lucky dream. If the waters are rough, however, you need to work on this aspect of yourself.

Opening a new book means starting a new chapter in one's life. Dreaming of finding a book in an open area can represent being open to new ideas and religious feelings. Children's books in dreams symbolize memories from childhood. This dream may also suggest your desire to escape from reality and retreat into some fantasy world. 

To dream of a boy who you are crushing on in real life is usually just a straightforward reflection of your feelings for him. If you dream that you're in love with a boy who you don't like in real life, your dream could be telling you that you are overlooking good qualities in that person or that you have a lot of love to give at this time and no good outlet.

Bridges often signify travel and transitions. Dreaming of a bridge over water suggests that you could be conflicted in your emotions. If the bridge was unstable or collapsing, it could mean problems in a friendship or love relationship.

Signifies the disintegration of something, or a loss that is beyond your control. It can also involve an emotion like anger dissipating and coming to an end.


To dream of a bus means you've been going along with the crowd and need to start acting on your own initiative. If you missed your bus in the dream, you may feel that others are leaving you behind socially or emotionally. You are having difficulty achieving your personal goals. To dream that you are in a bus accident signifies that you will find yourself in an embarrassing situation.

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