quarta-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2015

Dreams Meanings letter H

Self-identity, the way you see yourself, and the way you present yourself to others. To dream that you have lost your hair means you feel you've lost a sense of self, or a connection with your own self. To dream that you shaved your head to experience freedom from hair means that you are taking control of your own identity, and you don't care (or are trying not to care) what others think about you.

Hair, dye your
To dream that you have dyed your hair means you are exploring one or more alternate self-identities, or that you could use a change of pace, or that you would like others to react differently to you somehow.

A hallway in a dream usually represents a passage from one phase to another in your life, or a new beginning. A hallway can exist in a dream to show a connection from one dream area - or one point in time - to the next, or it can represent a part of your life that is in between other major parts of your life. 

To dream of a figure with a halo means you are seeking spiritual guidance, comfort, support, etc.

Curious, nosey, tending to get into everything; the idea that focusing on the small things can bring big results; or the feeling that something is pestering you, "gnawing away at you," or "nickel and diming" you. To dream of a hamster usually means that these qualities are advantageous for you to have right now. Occasionally, a hamster in a dream means that you'd benefit by having less of these qualities right now. A hamster can also represent a person who you feel is showing these qualities.

Hang gliding
Freedom, transcendence over your challenges, or rising above everyday life. To dream you are hang gliding means a freedom (or a wish for freedom) from the limitations of your own mental, emotional, and physical challenges - and those in the world around you.

Hare (rabbit)
Vulnerability, sensitive, running from problems, fertile or proliferating. To dream of a hare usually means that these qualities are advantageous for you to have right now. Occasionally, a hare in a dream means that you'd benefit by having less of these qualities right now. A hare can also represent a person who you feel is showing these qualities.

To feel hate in a dream means you're feeling hate regarding something in your real life, past or present. Time to acknowledge your feelings and express them in a safe, healthy way. (Try journaling.)

To feel hated in a dream means you are feeling hated or judged (or afraid that you will) regarding something in your real life, past or present.

Having a baby
A new beginning, a new creation, the start of something new, or a new phase in life, relationship, career, etc. 

The power of observation, a visionary perspective, watchfulness, protectiveness, vigilance.

Healing, or fixing a problem. To dream that you are visiting a healer, seeking help for a health problem, means you're subconsciously seeking help or answers regarding a problem in your life (physical or otherwise). Occasionally, a dream that a healer is healing you can mean that spiritual assistance is being provided to you.

Heart attack
Dreaming that you're having a heart attack can mean that you are afraid of actually having one, or you're afraid of a sudden crisis that's out of your control. A dream about a heart attack can also be triggered by real physical sensations in your chest at the time of the dream (heartburn, etc.).

Your heel in a dream represents your ability to move forward, take action, and make progress in life. An injured heel means you feel that your ability to make progress has slowed down, or that you need to slow down for your own well-being.

A helicopter in a dream represents the ability to "lift above" - as in being able to "rise above" problems. Or it can represent the ability to see the big picture or the grand plan.

Helicopter crash
To dream that you are in an helicopter crash can mean you are afraid of something catastrophic happening that's out of your control. A dream about a crash can also mean you're feeling things are out of control somehow in your life right now, or a feeling that you're having bad luck or things just aren't going your way right now.

Fertility, the power of creativity and the feminine. To dream of a hen usually means that these qualities are advantageous for you to have right now. Occasionally, a hen a dream means that you'd benefit by having less of these qualities right now. A hen can also represent a person who you feel is showing these qualities.

Just as herons are often seen wading, a dream about a heron can convey the idea of being partially - but not fully - into an issue, dynamic, or situation, or trying something out, or doing something without full commitment or personal involvement. A dream about a heron could mean you're doing something "only halfway" or "only halfway trying," or it could mean to proceed slowly or cautiously with a certain activity or action you're considering. A dream about a heron can also represent independence and being to "stand on your own two feet."

High school
To dream you are in high school (if you are beyond high school in real life) means you're revisiting the past to learn a real-life lesson.

To dream that you're hiding means you feel the need for self-protection, or that you're thinking of doing something secretive, manipulative, or dishonest (such as lying).

A highway in a dream represents a way to get from one place to another - either literally or symbolically (as in a course of action leading to certain results). A highway in a dream can also represent your life path or life journey, or a portion of it - past, present, and/or future. To dream you are stranded on a highway means you feel you're feeling stuck or lacking support somehow in your real life. To dream you are driving down a highway and accidentally run off the highway means you need to pay more attention to responsibility for yourself and your life somehow. To dream you're on a highway and you get hit or injured means you're feeling vulnerable or unlucky in life, or are afraid such things happening.

Hit, being (by a vehicle)
A dream that someone is hit by a vehicle represents the idea of that person experiencing a sudden challenge in their life. This usually represents a fear or an actual event in your recent past.

Hit, being (attack)
A dream that you are being attacked, hit, or harmed represents a feeling or fear of: persecution, hostility, aggression, criticism, etc. from by another person or by "people in general." It can also represent a current or recent situation where you feel your boundaries have been crossed or your integrity has been compromised by someone else.

If you dream you are hitting someone, consider your feeling during the dream. If you are hitting in the dream because you are angry at them, you are probably really angry at them or something related to them. If you are hitting to protect yourself against an attack, you may feel threatened by that person's criticism, hostility, ambition, etc. in real life.

A sweet nature, unassuming; messy; gluttony; stinky. Think about what usually comes to mind when you think of hogs.

To dream that you're down in a hole means that you're feeling trapped or at a "dead end" somehow in your real life.

Holiday party
To dream that you are enjoying a holiday party means that you are in a social or festive mood. A holiday party in a dream can also represent all of your interactions (as you expect them to be) with people around you during the holiday season.

Holy Spirit
To dream you are in the presence of the Holy Spirit means that you are feeling particularly connected with Spirit during your dream, or that you are yearning for that kind of deeper connection with or assistance from Spirit.

You or your life. The dream events in the home represent events in your life. If present in the dream, a basement usually represents your subconscious, the top floor your spirituality, and the floors in between your current life. Can also represent security and/or comfort.

Horseback riding
A dream that you're riding a horse represents the way you're taking responsibility to "guide and manage your life" right now, or the way you have been recently. The rider represents you, the horse represents your life and and your life circumstances. How well are you taking care of, guiding, and taking responsibility for the horse in the dream, and what does this say about your life? Try gentle horse-whispering, not managing by force.

Power and the ability to work, freedom, journeys and transportation. To dream of a horse usually means that these qualities are advantageous for you to have right now. Occasionally, a horse in a dream means that you'd benefit by having less of these qualities right now. A dream horse can also represent a person who you feel is showing these qualities.

Honey in a dream represents the deep, rich sweetness of life. Enjoy it!

To dream that you are sick and in a hospital can represent feeling under the weather or not your usual self mentally or physically. Someone else being sick and in a hospital in a dream indicates a feeling that they are more vulnerable than usual and need some TLC. To dream that you work in a hospital when you don't in real life means that you've been spending a lot of time lately helping others, or you're feeling demands from others who need help. 

You or your life. The dream events in the house represent events in your life. If present in the dream, a basement usually represents your subconscious, the top floor your spirituality, and the floors in between your current life.

To dream of a hooded figure means you have a fear that you're too afraid to face. When you do get around to facing it, it may lose its power to scare you.

Hookworms (parasites)
Feelings of being sabotaged in some aspect of your life, either by other people or by yourself, or that you are being taken advantage of, or that someone or something in your life is sapping your energy.

Tasting the sweet nectar of life. Endurance. Also, based on the way that hummingbirds can hover in one place, a dream about a hummingbird can mean you're actually making progress even when it seems you're stuck - or that you're in a natural lull or rest period, and you'll begin making progress soon.

To dream you are hungry can mean you are actually hungry or your blood sugar is low while you're sleeping. It can also mean that you feel deprived of the good things in life.

Hungry, not
To dream that you are not hungry or have eaten too much means you're feeling overwhelmed or over-stimulated, that you need a break, or that you've "had enough" of some situation in your life.

A feeling of great overwhelm, victimization, and/or loss of control - with the idea that it is going to last a while, possibly with no escape or solution. To dream you are in a hurricane points to an aspect of your real life seems overwhelming and/or destructive, that most likely seems out of your control.

Hurt (emotionally)
A dream that someone hurts you emotionally - such as hurting your feelings, insulting or demeaning you - means you are remembering, experiencing, or expecting emotional hurt in your real life.

Hurt (physically)
A dream that someone is hurt probably represents a situation in your real life where you feel someone is in a weakened or threatened state. A dream that you are hurt most likely means you feel you are feeling weakened or tired (emotionally, mentally, or physically), or you're feel threatened or under attack somehow in real life. A dream that someone else hurts you means you're feeling threatened (emotionally, mentally, or physically) in real life - or you may be having a Toxic Dream.

A dream about your real-life husband means he's on your mind for a particular reason right now. Pay attention to what's happening in the dream for cues about your thoughts and feelings toward your husband and/or the relationship. In a dream where someone is your husband who is not your husband in real life, the dream husband likely represents your real husband and is portraying certain characteristics that you are noticing in him right now. Dreaming someone is your husband who is not in real life can also mean your subconscious mind is exploring what it would be like to be closer to this person (romantically, or even just in general), or perhaps you just like this person, think they're nice, or find them interesting, or you've noticed husband-like qualities you admire. For a dream about an ex-husband, see ex- dream.

To dream you are under hypnosis can mean you're giving your power over to someone in your real life, or shirking your responsibility. It can also mean you're tending to live without deep thought, relishing the moments, or appreciating the small things. If so, make an effort to be more present and aware in each moment.


Long hair in dreams represents strength and beauty. If you dream of seeing a woman with blonde hair, or if you dreamed of having blonde hair (when you don't in real life), you will be a true friend to your girlfriends. Brunette hair symbolizes loyalty. Red hair in dreams usually symbolizes changes in the dreamer's life. Curly hair in dreams foretells that someone will try to seduce you. To dream of hair falling out means you will have to take care of yourself and not depend on others. If you dream of washing your hair, you need to take a different approach towards some real life situation or relationship.

Often represents spiritual growth and learning. They can also mean the dreamer has untapped psychic abilities. A dream of walking through a long hallway or corridor can also represent your frustration in trying to escape a repetitive situation.

Represents your relationship to those around you and how you connect with the world. Hands serve as a form of communication. Perhaps you need to extend a helping hand to someone. In particular, the left hand symbolizes your graciousness and feminine, receptive qualities. The right hand symbolizes masculine, active attributes.

To dream that you are happy may be a means of self help and often indicates that you need some cheering up. You may be trying to compensate for the sadness or stress in your waking life.

If you dream of being at a great height, it is a warning to avoid getting involved with a person or a group that you know is not good for you. Otherwise, you will suffer major embarrassment. 

If you dream that someone helped you, it means that you will need assistance and you should not hesitate to ask for it. If you dream that you help someone, or someone asked you for help, it means that you will succeed without needing help from anyone.

To dream that you are hiding suggests that you are keeping a secret or avoiding telling the truth. However, you may be getting ready to reveal and confess before somebody finds out. If you dream that somebody else is hiding, you are feeling the need for security and protection.

If you dream of hitting something or someone, this symbolizes unexpressed anger and aggression. You tend to keep your negative feelings inside instead of expressing them in a healthy way.

Holding Hands
A dream about holding hands with someone means that you need and want to develop close friendships. It may also mean you are feeling sexy or want some physical affection. Your dream may also reflect anxieties about losing touch or drifting apart from someone.

If you dream that you cannot find your way home, you have lost faith and belief in yourself. This dream may also signify a major transition in your life. To see your home in your dream signifies security, basic needs, and values. You may finally be feeling settled and comfortable in a new environment.

The horse is a lucky animal in dreams, suggesting the dreamer is in control of his/her life. If you dream of a runaway horse, you are scared by your own strong, passionate feelings.

If you dream of a hospital, you are worried that you didn't do a thorough job on a recent project.

To dream that you are hot signifies passion and emotion. You may "have the hots" for someone. It may also reflect a situation that is potentially dangerous.

Hotel dreams suggest the dreamer needs to learn a new way to think about an old problem in order to solve it.

A very pleasant dream symbol. It suggests love and tenderness. It is also symbolic of comfort and protection. The only time that this dream symbol has negative connotations is if you were to be hugged by a very unpleasant person or someone that you consider "evil." Otherwise, it is a sweet and comforting dream symbol.

To dream about being hungry means you feel unappreciated for something. It can also mean you're not getting what you need from an important real life relationship.

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