quarta-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2015

Dreams Meanings letter A


To dream that you are asleep may mean that you are extra tired or sleeping very deeply. A dream that you are asleep and can't get yourself to wake up is often a Toxic Dream.

Ass (donkey)

Humbleness, and the idea of working hard without much payback. To dream of an ass usually means that these qualities are advantageous for you to have right now. Occasionally, an ass in a dream means that you'd benefit by having less of these qualities right now. An ass can also represent a person who you feel is showing these qualities.

Attack, heart

Dreaming that you're having a heart attack can mean that you are afraid of actually having one, or you're afraid of a sudden crisis that's out of your control. A dream about a heart attack can also be triggered by real physical sensations in your chest at the time of the dream (heartburn, etc.).

Attacked, being
A dream that you are being attacked, hit, or harmed represents a feeling or fear of: persecution, hostility, aggression, criticism, etc. from by another person or by "people in general." It can also represent a current or recent situation where you feel your boundaries have been crossed or your integrity has been compromised by someone else.


If you dream you are attacking someone, consider your feeling during the dream. If you are attacking in the dream because you are angry at them, you are probably really angry at them or something related to them. If you are attacking to protect yourself against an attack by them, you may feel threatened by that person's criticism, hostility, ambition, etc. in real life.

The means by which you move forward in your life, the context within which you grow personally and learn your life lessons. Your personal integrity and the "sum of all our parts" (our knowledge, intentions, abilities, etc.) at the time of the dream. A dream that your car was stolen represents a feeling that someone or something is trying to compromise your integrity, take advantage of you, or take something that belongs to you - in a dishonest, sneaky, or manipulative way.

Authority figure
An authority figure in a dream represents someone or something in your real life who you allow to have some power over you somehow, or someone whose opinions you listen to. To dream that you are an authority figure (and you're not in real life) means that you are feeling unempowered in your life, or you desire to feel needed and respected.

Awards ceremony
Validation, recognition, and fame. To dream that you are receiving an award (such as an Oscar) means that you're feeling validated, recognized for your attributes, rewarded for your hard work, etc. - or that you wish you were. To dream that you are attending an awards ceremony and mingling with the celebrities probably means you're wanting to associate with more important people (in your mind) than you actually do, or that you'd like to elevate your social status and people's perception of you, or that you find fame and stardom fascinating

Other meanings...

Dreaming of an accident is a warning to pay attention to a certain situation in your real life before it gets out of control.

To dream of an achievement denotes that you will be greatly satisfied with the outcome of a situation or project. The bigger the achievement, the greater the satisfaction.

Dreaming of having acne symbolizes self-esteem issues and your insecurities. You are not comfortable with yourself and feel out of place in certain situations.

To see an actor or actress in your dream represents your pursuit of pleasure. Your admiration of a particular celebrity may lead to a desire to have some of their physical or personality traits. To dream that you are an actor denotes that your hard work and labor will be well worth it in the end. 

To dream that you or others were adopting a child indicates that you are taking on something new and different. Ask yourself what is missing in your life that would make you happy. To dream that you were adopted suggests that you are longing for the child within you.

To dream that you were afraid to continue on in some situation signifies trouble in the home and failure in your school or professional life. To see others afraid in your dream signifies that one of your friends will be so wrapped up in his or her own problem that they will not be able to help you out with some favor.

To see an airplane in your dream indicates that you will overcome your obstacles and rise above to a new level of prominence and status. You may experience a higher consciousness, newfound freedom and greater awareness. To dream that a plane crashes, on the other hand, suggests that you have set overly high and unrealistic goals for yourself.

To dream that you are drinking alcohol in excess signifies feelings of insecurity and regret. You may be worried that people will discover your true identity. If you dream of hiding your drinking from someone, especially from a parent, means you have been keeping a secret that is going to end up hurting you if you don't let it out.

To dream about an alien signifies a particular person or event that is extremely foreign and new to you. You feel that you are at a complete loss as to how to handle or control a person, circumstance, or situation.

To dream of an alley suggests that you feel limited, restricted, or confined from doing something that you want to do. You feel stuck and don't know how to escape.

Indicates that your careless activities and indiscretion may lead to major problems and complications. This dream may also stem from your own fears of declining health or the worry that you have contracted a disease. Alternatively, it suggests that you need to stop and pay close attention to some waking situation.

Amusement Park
Dreaming of being at an amusement park represents a busy and stressful daily life. You need to set aside some time for leisure and more enjoyment in your life.

May represent your own physical characteristic, primitive desires, or sexual nature, depending on the qualities of the particular animal. Animals symbolize the untamed and uncivilized aspects of yourself. Thus, to dream that you are fighting with an animal signifies a hidden part of yourself that you are trying to reject and push back into your subconscious.

If you dream about either giving or receiving an apology, this is a reference to your friends. You may be expressing a fear of losing a friend, or you may be making a new friend.

To see an aquarium in your dream symbolizes that you are aware of what you are feeling, but you have not yet confronted these feelings. This dream may also refer to your unconscious thoughts or desires. An aquarium dream can indicate that you need to take some time for yourself to relax and have fun. 

Suggests that you are trying to resolve some internal conflict or unsettled issue in your waking life. Consider who you are arguing with in the dream and what you are arguing about and what that might symbolize. How does he or she reflect some person or aspect of yourself in your waking life? 

Dreaming of an overpowering force indicates that you feel you are on your own and against all others. You are outnumbered and feel pressured.

Indicates issues of control and restraint. Some aspect of yourself may have been prevented from fully developing. Alternatively, it may represent feelings of guilt. 

To dream you are an athlete suggests that you have pushed yourself to the limits. You have achieved something that you thought you could not do.

To dream that you're attacking someone indicates that your ill-mood and temper may cause harm to another. You are releasing some pent-up frustration and anger. You feel that you have been wronged. Such feelings may be easier and safer for you to express in your dream. To dream that you are being attacked by someone, on the other hand, signifies that questions have been raised about your character resulting in a need to defend yourself. You are feeling stressed, vulnerable and helpless. You may also be faced with difficult changes in your waking life. To dream that you are being attacked by an animal is a warning to be careful with those around you. Take notice of people in your waking life who share and exhibit the same qualities of the animal that attacked you in your dream.

Represents hidden memories or repressed thoughts that are being revealed. An attic also symbolizes your mind, spirituality, and your connection to the higher self.


If you dream of being in front of an audience, it means that the people around you are paying close attention to your actions. It could also symbolize your fears of having someone discover or reveal your private thoughts.

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