quarta-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2015

Dreams Meanings letter C

A calendar in a dream can represent time or schedule, the passage of time, the idea of past or future, or a specific time period.

To dream you are looking for something in a cabinet means you are feeling a void in your life, or you're seeking a way to bring things back into balance in some area of your life. If you dream of an upper cabinet, a spiritual or "lofty" matter needs your attention. If you dream of a lower cabinet, it's a basic matter that needs your attention - physical, emotional, logical, etc. To dream you are organizing your cabinets means your life could use some cleaning out and re-prioritizing.

Cake often symbolizes a special event, fun or happiness, or "sweet times.". To dream that you are eating candy can also mean that you are actually hungry or craving sweets. 

To dream that someone is using a camcorder represents memory, safe-keeping, or keepsakes. To dream that you are being videotaped means that someone is going to expect something from you in the future - such as your living up to your promises or responsibilities. It can also means someone is trying to take advantage of you, especially if they're taping you without permission. 

A camel in a dream represents endurance, stamina, and patience - the ability to "hang in there" for the long run, and to reach long term goals - often with a good sense of humor about things.

Sensitivity, vulnerability. Also, the power of personal voice and "singing your own song" in life. To dream of a canary usually means that these qualities are advantageous for you to have right now. Occasionally, a canary in a dream means that you'd benefit by having less of these qualities right now. A canary can also represent a person who you feel is showing these qualities.

Candy in a dream often symbolizes fun or happiness, "sweet times," or indulgence. To dream that you are eating candy can also mean that you are actually hungry or craving sweets.

The means by which you move forward in your life. A dream that you're paddling in a canoe represents the way you're "running your life" right now, or have been recently. To dream you're paddling in a canoe also means you're feeling you have to work hard to get anywhere right now, but it's worth it. 

Can't find your way
A dream that you are lost or can't find your way usually represents feeling lost or powerless somehow, or that you are feeling directionless or don't know which way to go in some aspect of your life.

Can't move (paralyzed)
To dream that you are suddenly paralyzed and unable to move, or unable to move a certain body part, means you're feeling held down, held back, or challenged somehow in your life. See also the particular body part that is paralyzed in the dream.

Can't move (stuck)
A dream that you are stuck represents feeling unable to make progress or make changes in your life, or feeling stuck in a certain situation, or feeling that you're "stuck in a rut" somehow. To dream that an item is stuck means you're feeling in whatever area that item represents (refer to the entry for that particular item).

Can't wake up
A dream that you are sleeping and can't get yourself to wake up is often a Toxic Dream.

To dream about a boat captain represents an authority figure in your real life, someone who you're allowing to have a say about some aspect of your life and to make decisions that affect your life direction.

The means by which you move forward in your life, the context within which you grow personally and learn your life lessons. Your personal integrity and the "sum of all our parts" (our knowledge, intentions, abilities, etc.) at the time of the dream. A dream that your car was stolen represents a feeling that someone or something is trying to compromise your integrity, take advantage of you, or take something that belongs to you - in a dishonest, sneaky, or manipulative way. A dream that you're driving a car represents the way you're "running your life" right now, or have been recently.

Car accident
To dream that you are in a car accident can mean you are afraid of something catastrophic happening that's out of your control. A dream about a crash can also mean you're feeling things are out of control somehow in your life right now, or a feeling that you're having bad luck or things just aren't going your way right now.

Well-adjusted, happy, content. Also, having beauty without vanity. To dream of a cardinal usually means that these qualities are advantageous for you to have right now. Occasionally, a cardinal in a dream means that you'd benefit by having less of these qualities right now. A cardinal can also represent a person who you feel is showing these qualities.

Cardiopulminary resuscitation (CPR)
To dream that a person is trying to resuscitate or give CPR to an unconscious person may mean that you feel someone in your life is in great need of support, assistance, or rescue of some kind.

To dream about a person who takes care of others conveys the idea of responsibility and/or authority. To dream that you are a caretaker of for someone else means that responsibility for others is on your mind - perhaps because there's too much or too little of it in real life.

To dream you are on a carousel can mean you need more simple fun in your life. Riding a carousel in a dream can also mean there's an aspect of your life that may have started out as fun, but now is just going around and around, getting you nowhere.

Taking from others to give to yourself, including disrespecting or judging others in order to boost your own ego. Also, the cycle of life - especially nature's tendencies to recycle. Also can mean an end before a new beginning. To dream of a carrion usually means that one or more these qualities are significant to you right now. A carrion can also represent a person who you feel is showing these qualities.

To dream of cash - bills, coins, etc. - represents value or currency of some kind (monetary, mental/emotional, effort, energy, or other things of value) - something you tend to give and receive in your life. To dream you are paying money or people are demanding money means you're feeling that life - or something in it - feels very demanding right now, or that people are tending to want things from you. To dream that you win money or someone is giving you money probably means that you'd like for this to happen in real life, or that you're feeling fortunate in your life right now, or that someone has actually been generous to you. To dream that someone owes you money means that you feel that person "owes you" or is indebted to you somehow - or that you have given more to this person in your relationship than you have received back.

Cash a check
Cashing a check in a dream represents collecting on a financial, mental, or emotional promise - or a debt or I-O-U.

A castle in a dream can represent a dream fulfilled - or if you live in the castle, it can represent your current life. Being imprisoned in someone's castle probably means you're feeling limited or held back by someone or something in your life. 

Independent, having strong ideas about how things should be, lithe and adaptable, mysterious. To dream of a cat usually means that these qualities are advantageous for you to have right now. Occasionally, a cat in a dream means that you'd benefit by having less of these qualities right now. A cat can also represent a person who you feel is showing these qualities.

A cat in a dream can also represent an actual cat in your life. Very often, a cat in a dream represents your own inner child - meaning that you could benefit from more attention to your need for self-care, self-reward, and self-focus. A dream about a cat being in trouble or being sick or overlooked means you may be overlooking a responsibility for yourself or your life.

Gradual, consistent progress. A caterpillar in a dream can also represent the idea that you are in the early stage of a life transition, as the caterpillar is the early stage in a butterfly's life.

Caught, get
To dream you get caught doing something you shouldn't be means that you're especially mindful of watchful eyes right now. Getting caught in a dream can also mean you're curious or that the idea of intruding on someone's privacy or space is on your mind. Getting caught doing something against the rules or against the law means you need to take more responsibility for yourself and your actions.

Cave / cavern
A cave in a dream represents your subconscious mind, or a remote corner of your consciousness. Pay attention to how you feel about the cave and what's going on there - it probably is pointing to something on your mind that needs more attention.

A chair in a dream can represent a place to rest (mentally, emotionally, physically), or it can represent your place in the world (just as a chair can represent your place in a room). Not being able to find a place to sit down can mean you're feeling like there's no opportunity to rest or take a break in your life right now, or it can mean that you're feeling challenged in figuring out where you "fit in" right now. Returning to your a seat where you were sitting and finding that someone else has taken it means you're feeling someone has "taken from you" in some way - stolen your limelight, taken advantage of you, or ignored your rights or needs somehow.

Check (money)
To dream of a check represents value or currency of some kind (monetary, mental/emotional, effort, energy, or other things of value) - something you tend to give and receive in your life. A check in a dream can also represent a promise made or an "IOU" (where a person promises you money or something else).

Check cashing
Cashing a check in a dream represents collecting on a financial, mental, or emotional promise - or a debt or I-O-U.

Cell phone
Communication. A dream about calling someone indicates a need or desire to communicate something to that person, or hear from them. A dream about calling for help (for example, 911) represents a desire for help or a feeling of victimization, and sometimes represents a call for spiritual help. A chair in a dream represents an opportunity to rest, relax, stop, think, or wait for what's next - or whatever else you tend to do in a chair. Dreaming that you're tired and you can't find a place to sit down would represent a feeling of overwhelm or a need to rest in your real life.

Adaptability, the ability to change as the situation demands, adept at camouflage or self-protection through invisibility (mental, emotional, or physically). To dream of a chameleon usually means that these qualities are advantageous for you to have right now. Occasionally, a chameleon in a dream means that you'd benefit by having less of these qualities right now. A chameleon can also represent a person who you feel is showing these qualities.

Cheating (in a relationship)
To dream that your loved one is cheating on you can mean you're feeling insecure about your ability to hold their interest, or you're afraid of the idea of them cheating on you. A dream about cheating can also mean you're feeling jealous about your loved one devoting time or attention to something other than you (work, a hobby, watching TV, using the computer, etc.) - having nothing to do with any actual cheating. To dream about someone other than a romantic partner cheating on you means there's someone in your life whom you don't really trust. Occasionally, a dream about cheating means you do not trust God (you feel God has cheated you), or you do not trust yourself (you have cheated yourself).

Cheating (on a test, on taxes)
To dream someone is cheating represents the idea of unethical shortcuts, dishonesty, and stealing. Often, this means there's a resentment of someone who you feel is attempting to control you (teacher, government, other authority), and you are rebelling because you feel unempowered. A dream that you are cheating can also mean that you honestly don't want to do the work, you are not interested in something you have to do, or you dread doing something.

Chest pain
Dreaming that you're having chest pain or a heart attack can mean that you are afraid of actually having a heart attack, or you're afraid of a sudden crisis that's out of your control. A dream about chest pain can also be triggered by real physical sensations in your chest at the time of the dream (heartburn, etc.).

Cheerfulness and optimism, even through challenges and hard times. To dream of a chickadee usually means that these qualities are advantageous for you to have right now. Occasionally, a chickadee in a dream means that you'd benefit by having less of these qualities right now. A chickadee can also represent a person who you feel is showing these qualities.

Fertility, the power of creativity and the feminine. To dream of a chicken usually means that these qualities are advantageous for you to have right now. Occasionally, a chicken in a dream means that you'd benefit by having less of these qualities right now. A chicken can also represent a person who you feel is showing these qualities.

The need for self-nurturing, and responsibility for yourself. A dream that you have a child that you don't have in real life often means that you need to pay more attention to your needs or take better care of yourself in some way.

The sound of chimes (such as windchimes) blowing in the breeze in a dream represents the existence of life and the progress of time. Chimes in a dream can also represent Spirit, or the presence of Spirit, or the desire for support by Spirit. 

Playfulness, resourcefulness, ingenuity, companionship, community. To dream of a chimpanzee usually means that these qualities are advantageous for you to have right now. Occasionally, a chimpanzee in a dream means that you'd benefit by having less of these qualities right now. A chimpanzee can also represent a person who you feel is showing these qualities.

Curiosity, trust, and the balance between trust and caution; playfulness; darting from side to side (as in being flexible in your opinions). To dream of a chipmunk usually means that these qualities are advantageous for you to have right now. Occasionally, a chipmunk in a dream means that you'd benefit by having less of these qualities right now. A chipmunk can also represent a person who you feel is showing these qualities.

To dream about Christmas (especially if it's near Christmas time) means that Christmas is actually on your mind, or you have certain expectations regarding Christmas-time. To dream about Christmas when it's not that time of the year means you're remembering something that happened around Christmas, or you're feeling the "good cheer" or other feelings you usually associate with that holiday. A dream about Christmases from the past means there's something for you to gain by reviewing your memories of those times.

Christmas carol
To dream of a Christmas carol, or that you are singing one, means that the "spirit of Christmas" is within you - or that you could use more of it right now.

Christmas gift
To dream that you receive a Christmas gift means that you'd like for this to happen in real life, or that you're feeling fortunate in your life right now, or that someone has actually been generous to you - or is about to be.

Christmas party
To dream that you are enjoying a Christmas party means that you are in a social or festive mood. A Christmas party in a dream can also represent your interactions with people around you (as you expect them to be) during the holiday season.

Christmas stocking
To dream of a Christmas stocking means you are looking forward to giving and/or receiving gifts.

Christmas tree
To dream of a Christmas tree means you are connecting with the "spirit of Christmas," looking forward to the festivities, and/or you're dreaming of an actual Christmas tree (one you've seen or one you'd like to see or have).

Chocolate in a dream often symbolizes indulgence, "sweet times," or a treat on the emotional/mental level. This can mean you're feeling the need to feel special or appreciated, or that you're dealing with some hurt that needs to be soothed. To dream that you are eating candy can also mean that you are actually hungry or craving sweets or chocolate.

To dream that you're in a church or church-like place means that you are examining the spiritual or religious aspects of your life, and considering the important of a spiritual connection. A church can also be a dream setting for a significant "dream ritual" (baptism, initiation, graduation, etc.) that signals a new phase or a step forward in your life.

A chrysalis in a dream often represents the idea that you are in a transition in your life (or will be soon), as an insect in a chrysalis is in a transition in its life. A chrysalis in a dream can also mean you're feeling cozy, or that you need a period of rest, recuperation, revitalization, and/or nurturing.

A cigar in a dream can represent grandeur, status, celebration, or masculinity.

Addiction, or the need for a stronger sense of self-identity and independence. A cigarette burning in a dream can represent the exhaustion or "burning up" of resources somehow in your life.

Cigarette butt
A cigarette butt in a dream represents something that is old, used up, discarded, ignored, or seen as valueless. This may mean you're feeling this way about yourself or something in your life. A cigarette butt can also represent the end of a phase or process, just as a cigarette butt is the end of the process of the cigarette burning.

Class (school)
Being in class in a dream can represent your actual school classes, or the time in your life when you went to the school that appears in your dream. Being in class in a dream can also represent the idea that you are learning, or being taught, lessons in your real life.

Healing, or fixing a problem. To dream that you are visiting a clinic, seeking help for a health problem, means you're subconsciously seeking help or answers regarding a problem in your life (physical or otherwise). A dream that you are physically sick can represent feeling under the weather or not your usual self mentally or physically. Occasionally, a dream that the medical staff at a clinic is healing you can mean that spiritual assistance is being provided to you.

Cock (rooster)
Persistent vigilance, virility. Also, direct in communications - or even outspoken. To dream of a rooster usually means that these qualities are advantageous for you to have right now. Occasionally, a rooster in a dream means that you'd benefit by having less of these qualities right now. A rooster can also represent a person who you feel is showing these qualities.

The idea of time passing, or limited time, or adhering to a schedule. To dream of a large clock means you're feeling overwhelmed by time demands (schedules, restrictions, not enough time, etc.). See also alarm clock dream

A dream about a bond or closeness between people represents an actual, desired, or imagined bond in real life. The people in the dream may represent themselves in real life or someone else.

Your the way you experience of your life. To dream you are looking for something in your closet means you are missing or seeking something in your life. To dream you are cleaning out or organizing your closet means your life could use some cleaning out and re-prioritizing.

Beautiful, white clouds in a dream represent dreams or goals, or the presence of Spirit, or the magical forces of nature. Clouds that are moving and changing represent the passage of time, and the idea of change and transformation over time. Dark storm clouds in a dream can represent a challenge or problem in your life, the feeling that a difficult period is coming soon, or "dark" emotions such as depression, anger, or dispair. 

Clover, shamrock
Luck, lightheartedness, optimism. To dream of a shamrock can also represent Ireland, or Irish characteristics or qualities.

A clutch on a vehicle in a dream represents engaging or not engaging in the process of moving forward in your life. To dream about a clutch that's not working means you're feeling difficulty participating in life or "getting in gear" to make progress or make things happen.

A coat in a dream represents self-protection, as in protecting one's self from others' cold or negative emotions the way a coat protects a person from cold temperatures. A coat can also represent self-nuturing, self-care, or survival measures. A coat that disguises or that covers much of the body can represent stealth, secret motives, or hidden agendas.

A cockroach in a dream represents your fears, or an aspect of your self or your life situation that you consider as inferior or distasteful or that you judge as negative.

Cocktail (alcoholic beverage)
If you dream that you are drinking alcohol, consider the feelings that you feel during the dream. Drinking alcohol in a dream can represent a desire to numb-out and escape a problem or situation, or a desire to feel more relaxed or more interactive with others, or a feeling of boredom or the need for more fun/excitement in your real life in general (totally separate from actual alcohol). 

A cocoon in a dream often represents the idea that you are in transition in your life, as the caterpillar in a cocoon is in a transition to the butterfly stage. A cocoon in a dream can also mean you're feeling cozy, or that you need a period of rest, recuperation, revitalization, and/or nurturing.

To dream of coins represents value or currency of some kind (monetary, mental/emotional, effort, energy, or other things of value) - something you tend to give and receive in your life.

To dream you're trying to read a compass means you're trying to figure out how to find a solution, get certain results, or answer a question. To dream that you can't figure out how to read a compass means you're feeling stuck in terms of finding the solution, results, or answer you seek. To dream that you read a compass and you determine you need to go a certain direction means you're feeling definite about direction in your real life.

Composing music
To dream you are writing music means you are yearning to express yourself and to experience freedom through creativity. Open up and express yourself from the heart.

A computer in a dream usually represents the ability to do things or figure things out, or connection to other people. Dreaming that you're communicating with others by computer represents your actual or imagined communications with those people. Dreaming that your computer has crashed can mean you're feeling unable to do things or get things done, or you're feeling out of touch with others.

Conjoined twins
Conjoined twins in a dream represent a bond between two individuals (emotional bond, family bond, marital bond, etc.) - for better or for worse, taking the good (companionship, support, etc.) with the bad (disagreements, irritations, etc.).

Dedication to religion, and vigilance. Simplistic lifestyle. Loyalty, vows, and promises. To dream that you are living in a convent can mean you're feeling a connection with Spirit or religion. If you are not enjoying living in the convent, it can mean you're feeling constrained, repressed, limited, deprived by religion, by your own self, or by some other authority in your life.

Copies, making
To dream you are using a copy machine - making copies of a document to give out to people - can mean that you have something you want to express or share. Making copies can also represent work or your job, or an office environment in general.

Authority, rules, protection. Calling the police in a dream represents a feeling of powerlessness or a need for protection or rescue in your real life. The presence of police in a dream can represent a feeling of security. If you afraid of the police in a dream, this can mean you're feeling threatened by authority in real life or that you're doing something you know you shouldn't be.

A dead body in a dream represents the end of a phase in some area of your life. If the dead person is someone you know, it can represent that you consider that person to be reaching the end of some phase before the beginning of the next, or it can mean that you are afraid of that person dying or becoming unavailable to you. A dead body can also represent the physical body in general, and how it is just a shell in which the soul, mind, body, emotions, and spirit live. 

A corridor in a dream usually represents a passage from one phase to another in your life, or a new beginning. A corridor can exist in a dream to show a connection from one dream area - or one point in time - to the next, or it can represent a part of your life that is in between other major parts of your life. 

A couch in a dream can represent rest or relaxation, which may mean you need more of it or you need to be more active. A couch in a dream can also represent a relationship or communication in a relationship, or it can represent your "alone time" (when you're by yourself, or "out and about" on your own).

Strength in action (especially through stealth) and personal power. Also, decisiveness, the attitude of "act now, think later" - and extremely in touch with basic instincts. Smooth in action and capable - with an edge of danger. To dream of a cougar means that you are getting in touch with these aspects of yourself, or that these characteristics will come in handy for you sometime soon. To dream you're being attacked by a cougar means you fear an unpredictable attack on your integrity - emotional, mental, or physical.

To dream you're being judged in court means you're feeling subject to scrutiny or judgment by others somehow in your real life. You may also have done something you could get in trouble for or that will bring you bad karma. Take inventory of any irresponsible or dishonest things you've done and make amends (apologize and/or make things right).

A courtroom in a dream represent an area, setting, situation, or aspect in your life in which you feel judged or subject to authority of others. 

Challenges in parent-child relationship, the value of the parental experience or of being a nurturer or teacher. To dream of a cowbird usually means that these issues are significant to you right now. A cowbird can also represent a person who you feel embodies (or lacks) these qualities.

Wisdom, being "at one" with the Earth and environment, the "balance of nature" or "a natural balance." To dream of a coyote usually means that these qualities are advantageous for you to have right now. Occasionally, a coyote in a dream means that you'd benefit by having less of these qualities right now. A dream coyote can also represent a person who you feel is showing these qualities.

CPR (cardiopulminary resuscitation)
To dream that a person is trying to resuscitate or give CPR to an unconscious person may mean that you feel someone in your life is in great need of support, assistance, or rescue of some kind.

Strength through uniqueness or individuality. Also, persistence through challenges. To dream of a crane usually means that these qualities are advantageous for you to have right now. Occasionally, a crane in a dream means that you'd benefit by having less of these qualities right now. A crane can also represent a person who you feel is showing these qualities.

To dream that you are in a crash (car, airplane, train, etc.) can mean you are afraid of something catastrophic happening that's out of your control. A dream about a crash can also mean you're feeling things are out of control somehow in your life right now, or a feeling that you're having bad luck or things just aren't going your way right now.

The course or path or flow of your life. A dream that a creek is flowing well represents peace or contentment with life or surrender to a higher power. A dream about a dry creek represents a feeling that your life is empty or not moving forward. A dream that a creek is overflowing its banks represents feeling overwhelmed with a particular aspect of life, or possibly a feeling of abundance. 

Crewel work
To dream that you're doing crewel-work means you're in the mood to focus on details. Dream activities like this can also mean that you're feeling some extra energy during the dream state.

To dream of a baby crib represents the idea of a baby, or the need for self-nurturing, and responsibility for yourself. To dream that you are in a crib can mean that you should pay more attention to your needs. Dreaming about a crib can also mean that you would like to have a baby or spend more time around young children.

Moving forward in leaps, rather than making constant progress. Or making progress in ways that don't appear to move directly towards a goal, such as through trial and error. Also, expressing yourself without caring what anyone things - or feeling that you need to be heard but no one is hearing what you have to say (like a cricket chirping at night when no one is around).

Primal, stealth. Also, the ability to hurt someone without regret or compassion; monstrous. To dream of a crocodile usually means that these qualities are advantageous for you to have right now. Occasionally, a crocodile in a dream means that you'd benefit by having less of these qualities right now. A crocodile can also represent a person who you feel is showing these qualities.

To dream of a religious symbol usually means you are seeking spiritual guidance, comfort, or connection of some kind. To see a religious symbol in a dream can also be a reminder to look within for your connection with Spirit (because the dream is showing the religious symbol within you), rather than looking to religious things and people around you. Dreaming of a religious symbol can also indicate a religious setting, or set the scene for a dream about something in your real-life that feels religious or sacred.

Cross stitch
To dream that you're doing cross-stitch work means you're in the mood to focus on details. Dream activities like this can also mean that you're feeling some extra energy during the dream state.

To dream you are standing at a crossroads means you're at a critical decision point, or you can choose from two or more courses of action. To dream you're at a crossroads and don't know which way to go, or can't decide, means you're feeling you don't have enough information (logical or intuitive) to make the decision in real life yet.

Crossword puzzle
To dream that you're doing a crossword puzzle means you're in the mood for problem solving and mental challenges, or perhaps you were already in this state of mind when you went to sleep. Dream activities like this can also mean that you're feeling some extra energy during the dream state.

To dream that you're crouching to hide means you feel the need for self-protection, or that you're thinking of doing something secretive, manipulative, or dishonest (such as lying).

Message bearer, a feeling of foreboding, or a destructive nuisance.

To dream you are in a crowd can represent a recent time when you were actually in a crowd, or it can mean you're feeling that you "fit in" with everyone else, or that you're comfortable around other people, or that you enjoy participating in large events, or that you're feeling insignificant in the world (look for clues in how you felt about being in the dream crowd).

To dream of a religious symbol usually means you are seeking spiritual guidance, comfort, or connection of some kind. To see a religious symbol in a dream can also be a reminder to look within for your connection with Spirit (because the dream is showing the religious symbol within you), rather than looking to religious things and people around you. Dreaming of a religious symbol can also indicate a religious setting, or set the scene for a dream about something in your real-life that feels religious or sacred.

To dream of a crystal means you're connected with your inner spirit or sense of magic.

Crystal ball
To dream of a crystal ball means you're seeking an answer, direction, or information about the future.

Announcement of the new, heralding of a coming change. Also, being "present" in the current moment.

To dream that you are cursed usually means that you're trying to place blame on outside sources instead of taking responsibility for your own life and situations.

To dream you are putting a curse on someone else means you feel a strong judgment about someone or something in your real life. Time to acknowledge your feelings and express them in a safe, healthy way. (Try journaling.)

Cursing (swearing)
To dream you are using curse words (swearing) to express yourself means that there's something in real life that needs expressing. Time to acknowledge your feelings and express them in a safe, healthy way.

An overwhelming and/or destructive situation in the dreamer's life, most likely out of the dreamer's control. A feeling of being taken advantage of or victimized, especially suddenly or in an unpredictable way.


To dream of a cage indicates the feeling of being restrained and restricted from something you desire. You have no way of getting out and feel helpless.

A calendar on the wall suggests that you are well organized and prepared. If you see yourself writing or making marks on a calendar, it symbolizes that you are marking time until a certain event comes to pass. If someone in your dream gives you a calendar as a gift, you will have much disappointment in the week ahead. If you destroy a calendar, you either feel hopelessly unorganized or you've decided to make a brand new start in the direction of your life.

To see a camera in your dream means you are trying to live in the past, or that you don't have a clear picture of a current situation. If you dream about running out of film, you may not have the tools or experience to deal with a current situation on your own. Ask for help.

To dream that you are driving a car symbolizes your ambition and your ability to navigate from one stage of your life to another. Consider how smooth or rough the car ride is - that suggests how easy or hard your path will be to your goals. Also consider whether you are driving the car or are merely a passenger because that indicates whether you take an active or passive role in your life. If you are a passenger, it can also mean your knowledge will earn you good fortune, especially if the car is expensive.

Signifies your hopes and dreams for the future. It is expressing the inner desires that you might not have even realized you had.

Cats represent power, freedom and the animal self, especially for females. To dream of being a cat means you will triumph in an upcoming conflict. If you don't like cats, or you have an unpleasant experience with them in your dream, you are uncomfortable in some way with the more feminine side of your personality.

Dreaming that you are a celebrity means your desires and wishes may be beyond your reach at the present moment. To dream that a friend or lover becomes a celebrity suggests your fear of losing the friendship and loyalty of this person. To see a celebrity in your dream, or even to be dating or making out with a famous person in your dream, represents your understanding about him or her and the feelings he/she generates in you. Something in your waking life has triggered these similar beliefs and feelings. It is not uncommon that a real-life obsession with a certain celebrity may carry over into your dream world. Celebrities are often seen as heroes and role models for certain qualities or the fame and acceptance we want to achieve ourselves. To dream about a celebrity dying signifies that your feelings about that person are changing significantly. Perhaps you no longer admire what they once represented to you. Alternatively, you may want to repress that aspect of yourself represented by that celebrity. 

Dreaming about a cemetery symbolizes self-renewal and giving up old attitudes or habits.

Dreaming of being chased symbolizes a real fear of being pursued by someone or something. It may also have to do with unresolved circumstances, situations, or emotions that you cannot seem to escape from or avoid.

To see a cheetah in your dream means you are being too lazy and that you need to get moving and become more active in the pursuit of your goals.

To dream that you are choking on an object suggests that you may find it difficult to believe some advice, or accept what someone is telling you. If you are choking on food, then it may be an expression of your guilt about something. To dream that someone is choking you means you are suppressing your feelings; you have difficulties in showing your fear, anger, or love.

Symbolizes family togetherness, reunions and celebration. It is also representative of new beginnings and fresh starts.

Represents a need to be appreciated by those you love.

Dreaming of a cliff represents a threat or a feeling of vulnerability. You are up against an event or something that you are afraid to tackle. Falling from the cliff symbolizes losing control of yourself or a particular situation.

A dream of climbing indicates the measures you are taking to achieve and accomplish your goals. It may be a struggle, but either way, you are finally reaching the top.

To dream that your clothes are dirty and you are trying to clean them means you want to change something about your personality. To dream that you are constantly changing your clothes represents the desire for change and your need to fit into a new situation. To dream that you can't find anything to wear indicates anxiety or nervousness about fitting into some social group or situation - you're not sure who to be these days.

A fast-moving cloudy sky in a dream means you're getting ready to release your anger about a situation. Thick, slow-moving clouds represent confusion. If you dream of walking on clouds, you have the ability and optimism to achieve much happiness in your life.

A fast-moving cloudy sky in a dream means you're getting ready to release your anger about a situation. Thick, slow-moving clouds represent confusion. If you dream of walking on clouds, you have the ability and optimism to achieve much happiness in your life.

To dream of a clown foretells that you will ignore important things because you will be distracted with worry over silly matters.

To dream that you are cold suggests that you are experiencing a breakthrough in some area in your life. Alternatively, you may be feeling isolated by someone. Your sense of coldness could reflect your feelings about that person. If the whole world is cold or frozen over in your dream, this signifies that you need to be more objective in your decision making - don't let your emotions get the better of you.

Represents your need to grow and expand. Learn the value of endurance and perseverance. Also make sure to be more assertive. If you dream of winning a competition, you have the necessary skills to accomplish a goal or solve a problem in your life. If you dream of watching a competition, you may feel that others are passing you by in some way - socially or romantically - and you are just "sitting on the sidelines" of life. You need to get more confidence and become more involved in things.

If you dream of a computer, pay careful attention to the other symbols in your dream. The computer is saying "put the pieces together to understand the overall meaning." Also, if you use a computer a lot during your waking life for work or play, your dream could be telling you to get out more and take a break from the screen. If you dream of someone hacking into your computer, there is a sense that your privacy is being invaded. You may be overwhelmed and have the feeling that you are at the mercy of another.

To dream of cooking is very lucky, whether it was yourself or someone else doing the cooking. It is a promise of material comforts in the near future. A dream of cooking broth or soup predicts an eventual rise to a position of great power.

Dreaming of being in a crash or something crashing around you signifies the bringing to an end of an emotion or fear that was causing stress. It can also represent the fear of getting into an actual accident.

To dream that you chase or capture a criminal is a positive omen that means you will overcome your rivals. To dream of witnessing a crime indicates that others are wasting or taking over your time, energy, and ideas. To dream that you are a criminal foretells unpleasantness in your social life. You may also be overstepping your boundaries. If you dream of being an accomplice to a crime, you are feeling guilty about something.

To dream that you are in or part of a crowd means you need to make some space for yourself. It also suggests that you need to start thinking more for yourself instead of following others.

If you dream you are crying, your mind is helping to achieve emotional balance while you sleep. You are getting out frustrations that would slow you down in your waking life. To see others crying in your dream foretells unexpected calls for your help from others.

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