quarta-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2015

Dreams Meanings letter I

To dream about a wintry, icy landscape outside represents a feeling of temporary lack of progress, hopelessness, or bleakness with respect to a certain aspect of your life.

Ice cream
Ice cream represents fun or a special fun activity. Your subconscious mind is probably either hoping for some fun, or reminiscing about some fun you've had in the past. Ice cream can also represent happiness in a dream - to dream that you are eating ice cream with a certain person could mean that you feel happy when you're with that person.

Ice floe
To dream about an ice floe or glacier means very slow progress in a certain area of your life, under seemingly bleak conditions. A dream of an ice floe may also mean that you're feeling impatient.

Ice skating
To dream you are ice skating and enjoying it means that you need to have some fun, and/or that it may be time to go outside your comfort zone and try something new. To dream you are ice skating, and you're having a hard time, means that you're feeling challenged, insecure, or unsupported in some aspect of your life.

Ice sculpture
To dream about an ice sculpture means you're recognizing that life's special moments come and go quickly, so enjoy them while you can.

An I.D. or driver's license in a dream represents your unique personal identity - your self-identity, and the way you think of yourself. If your lose your driver's license in a dream, it means you need to get back on touch with who you really are, deep down. If your driver's license is taken away in a dream, it means you need to step up and take more responsibility for yourself.

IM (instant message)
Communication. To dream you're IM-ing someone means that there's something you need/want to say to a particular person, or that you want or expect to hear from that person.

Identical twins
Twins in a dream often represent a bond - mental/emotional, family, marital, friendship, etc. Identical twins in a dream can also represent similarity between two people, or feeling like there are shared qualities between two people. Twins can also represent the ideal of "double," or possibly "too much."

To dream that others are ignoring you means that you're feeling overlooked or disrespected or invisible in some aspect of your life. To dream that you're ignoring someone else means that someone's trying to tell you something you don't want to hear.

The power of observation and perceptiveness; quick response. To dream of a iguana usually means that these qualities are advantageous for you to have right now. Occasionally, a iguana in a dream means that you'd benefit by having less of these qualities right now. A dream iguana can also represent a person who you feel is showing these qualities.

Vulnerability. A dream that you are physically sick can represent feeling under the weather or not your usual self mentally or physically. Someone else being sick in a dream indicates a feeling that they are more vulnerable than usual and need some TLC. 

To dream that you're feeling indebted to someone for something nice they did means that you're actually feeling grateful to that person in real life, or to someone whom this dream figure represents. To dream that someone feels indebted to you means you feel that you've been generous in some way and/or that you deserve thanks in real life.

To dream of a baby represents the need for self-nurturing, and responsibility for yourself. To dream that you are pregnant or that you have a baby that you don't have in real life can mean that you should pay more attention to your needs. Depending on how you feel about the baby, it can also be a symbol of taking on responsibility for someone else or that you are taking on too much responsibility. Occasionally, it can mean that you would like to have a baby or spend more time around young children. 

To dream that you have an infection can represent a feeling of intrusion or invasion somehow in your life, a challenge, an inner conflict, an "infectious" thought (as in gossip or judgment), or a perceived imbalance of some kind on the emotional, mental, or physical level.

To dream that your loved one is betraying you can mean you're feeling insecure about your ability to hold their interest, or you're afraid of the idea of them cheating on you. A dream about betrayal can also mean you're feeling jealous about your loved one devoting time or attention to something other than you (work, a hobby, watching TV, using the computer, etc.) - having nothing to do with any actual cheating. To dream about someone other than a romantic partner betraying you means there's someone in your life whom you don't really trust. Occasionally, a dream about betrayal means you do not trust God (you feel God has betrayed you), or you do not trust yourself (you feel you have betrayed yourself).

A dream that someone is injured probably represents a situation in your real life where you feel someone is in a weakened or threatened state. A dream that you are injured most likely means you feel you are feeling weakened or tired (emotionally, mentally, or physically), or you're feel threatened or under attack somehow in real life. A dream that someone else injures you means you are feeling threatened (emotionally, mentally, or physically) in real life - or you may be having a Toxic Dream.

Illumination (light)
A light or bright light in a dream often represents hope, goodness, or assistance - especially when it appears in the darkness. Light can also represent clarity or understanding, as in "shedding some light" on a particular subject. 

A dream about drawings or figures in an ancient text can mean that you are seeking information, understanding, or clarification about important life questions.

Instant message
Communication. To dream you're instant-messaging someone means that there's something you need/want to say to a particular person, or that you want or expect to hear from that person.

Internet (world wide web)
Communication and connection. To dream you're connecting with people and companies over the internet means you're in a social mood, and you've either been interacting with people more than usual or you would like to do so. To dream that you are searching the internet / web means you have a burning question you need answered. 

An intersection in a dream can represent the interaction between people, and cooperation among people according to some agreed-upon rules (like we do at a real intersection). If someone goes out of turn at the dream intersection, it means you're feeling someone has acted "out of turn" in real life. To dream you are an intersection trying to decide which way to go means you're at a critical decision point, or you can choose from two or more courses of action. To dream you're at an intersection and don't know which way to go, or can't decide, means you're feeling you don't have enough information (logical or intuitive) to make the decision in real life yet.

An interstate in a dream represents a way to get from one place to another - either literally or symbolically (as in a course of action leading to certain results). An interstate in a dream can also represent your life path or life journey, or a portion of it - past, present, and/or future. To dream you are stranded on an interstate means you feel you're feeling stuck or lacking support somehow in your real life. To dream you are driving down an interstate and accidentally run off the interstate means you need to pay more attention to responsibility for yourself and your life somehow. To dream you're on an interstate and you get hit or injured means you're feeling vulnerable or unlucky in life, or are afraid such things happening.

Feelings of victimization or vulnerability. To dream of an intruder in your house or in your space means that you feel someone has compromised your integrity or invaded your space mentally, emotionally, or physically.

Self-empowerment. The experience of your "true" state of being, without limiting beliefs or self-judgments. The acknowledgement of your ability to do what makes you happy without worrying about what other people think. To dream that you are invincible against harmful people means that you can choose to not let other people's judgments "get to you" in real life.

Irish, Ireland
To dream of Ireland or something Irish most likely represents Ireland (or a particular area of it), or Irish characteristics or qualities.

Item, lost an
A dream that you have lost an item usually means that you feel you've lost in your real life whatever that item represents, or that you're afraid of losing it.

To dream that you are being given an I.V. (intravenous drip) could mean you're feeling under the weather health-wise - or it could mean that you feel someone is trying to affect you very directly, with or without your permission.


Dreams about ice often mean that you are nervous about a real life endeavor. They can also be a sign that you don't care for someone as much as they care for you. If you dream of standing on cracking ice (or falling through ice into water), it is a warning against trying to advance at the expense of others.

Suggests you may be hanging onto an old idea or relationship that is not good for you.

If you dream that you are injured, it indicates that you have been offended or emotionally hurt by someone else. If you dream of injuring someone else, it signifies that you are inflicting the same pain on another person.

Dreaming about an intruder symbolizes someone or something that has interfered with your peace of mind by forcing a situation upon you.

If you dream that you are invisible, you feel like you're not being noticed or recognized for what is important to you. To dream that someone else is invisible represents unresolved issues or feelings regarding that person. Perhaps you feel they don't pay enough attention to you.

To dream about a written or printed invitation foretells a period of depression or boredom coming, but a dream about getting an invitation by word of mouth forecasts an increase in social activity.

If you dream of escaping to an island, you can solve a problem by yourself if you take some time alone. This dream can also mean you are trying to avoid your true, inner feelings about a person or situation in your life.

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