quarta-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2015

Dreams Meanings letter D

Can represent your real-life dad, an authority or caretaker figure (such as your employer), or can represent your spiritual parent - meaning God.

Spiritual, magical, or other-worldly. In a dream, this often means that unseen help or a spiritual message is available to you.

Mystery or uncertainty; or stealth and sneakiness, or of a questionable nature. To dream that something is happening in the dark means that it's happening without others finding out. The dream may be about something in your life that you keep to yourself and do not tell others about.

Dates (on a calendar)
A calendar in a dream can represent time or schedule, the passage of time, the idea of past or future, or a specific time period.

Davenport (sofa)
A sofa in a dream can represent rest or relaxation, which may mean you need more of it or you need to be more active. A sofa in a dream can also represent a relationship or communication in a relationship, or it can represent your "alone time" (when you're by yourself, or "out and about" on your own).

David Letterman
To dream you are on a talk show or that you are friends with a talk show host can mean that your subconscious mind considers that person a friend because you "interact" with them often, or like to "interact" with them by watching their show. (The subconscious mind doesn't see much difference between a person talking to you from the TV and a person talking to you in person.)

Dead body
A dead body in a dream represents the end of a phase in some area of your life. If the dead person is someone you know, it can represent that you consider that person to be reaching the end of some phase before the beginning of the next, or it can mean that you are afraid of that person dying or becoming unavailable to you. A dead body can also represent the physical body in general, and how it is just a shell in which the soul, mind, body, emotions, and spirit live. 

Death (you)
To dream that you have died means an end of one phase of your life before you enter the next phase, or means that some aspect of your life situation coming to an end. A dream that you are dying means you have low "life energy" or a weariness in your life. This could point to a situation that's sapping you emotionally or mentally, or a physical condition that makes you tired, etc.

Death (someone else)
To dream that someone else has died represents an end of a phase for that person before a new phase begins, or means that some aspect of your situation with that person is changing or coming to an end.

To dream you owe money or people are demanding money means you're feeling that life - or something in it - feels very demanding right now, or that people are tending to need or want things from you. To dream that someone owes you money means that you feel that person "owes you" or is indebted to you somehow - or that you have given more to this person in your relationship than you have received back.

To dream of a decapitation represents feeling like your identity is being threatened in real life. The head represents your personality, or who you are.

Gentleness and innocence. To dream of a deer usually means that these qualities are advantageous for you to have right now. Occasionally, a deer in a dream means that you'd benefit by having less of these qualities right now. A dream deer can also represent a person who you feel is showing these qualities.

DeGeneres, Ellen
To dream you are on a talk show or that you are friends with a talk show host can mean that your subconscious mind considers that person a friend because you "interact" with them often, or like to "interact" with them by watching their show. (The subconscious mind doesn't see much difference between a person talking to you from the TV and a person talking to you in person.)

To dream of a religious deity usually means you are seeking spiritual guidance, comfort, or connection of some kind. To see a religious deity in a dream can also be a reminder to look within for your connection with Spirit (because the dream is showing the Spirit within you), rather than looking to religious things and people around you. Also, consider what the idea of the particular deity means to you.

Dry, dull, lifeless, void, boring, or something with desert-like characteristics.

Dessert in a dream can symbolize a treat or treating yourself, indulgence, self-reward, or self-soothing. To dream about the "dessert course" of a meal would symbolize the end part of an interaction or phase (since dessert is served at the end of a meal). To dream that you are eating dessert can also mean that you are actually hungry or craving sweets.

To dream about the devil trying to harm you or coming after you probably means you're having a Toxic Dream. It can also mean you've experienced "ill will" in real life recently (a mean or violent person, stories on the news, a scary movie, etc.), or something has triggered memories of these negative things.

To dream you are writing in a diary means that there's something you need to listen to within yourself. Tune into your quiet inner wisdom.

Dice in a dream can represent a game, a risk or gamble, leaving something to chance, or feeling luck or unlucky. Dice in a dream can also represent recreation and fun.

Die (you)
To dream that you are dying means an end of one phase of your life before you enter the next phase, or means that some aspect of your life situation coming to an end. A dream that you are dying can also mean you have low "life energy" or a weariness in your life. This could point to a situation that's sapping you emotionally or mentally, or a physical condition that makes you tired, etc.

Die (someone else)
To dream that someone else has died represents an end of a phase for that person before a new phase begins, or means that some aspect of your situation with that person is changing or coming to an end.

Eating a meal in a dream usually represents nourishment for the body, mind, emotions, or soul. To dream you are eating may also just mean you are hungry or your blood sugar is low while you're sleeping. To dream you are overeating or stuffing yourself may mean you're "stuffing" your feelings instead of listening to them, or that you tend to use food to substitute for real sources of happiness and love in your life. To dream you are interacting socially at dinner represents everyday social interactions in your life.

Dinner party
A dinner party in a dream often represents your close circle of friends and other people with whom you interact regularly. To dream that you are enjoying a dinner party represents getting along with people around you.

A dinosaur in a dream represents primitive power and tendencies.

To dream you're trying to figure out directions means you're trying to figure out how to find a solution, get certain results, or answer a question. To dream that you can't figure out directions means you're feeling stuck in terms of finding the solution, results, or answer you seek. To dream that you read directions and they contain important symbols means that your dream may be giving you direction in your life - if you remember the symbols, look them up separately or consider what they mean to you.

To dream of a director means you'd like to be more "in charge" and to take more personal control over your own life. It may also mean that you have a desire to be a leader, especially in a way that involves creative and visionary thinking.

Getting dirt on you or on your clothes (and being upset about it) represents spoiling or sullying a good situation or reputation. It can also represent feeling less than perfect, or that you are getting caught up in perfectionism.

To dream that someone lies to you means you feel someone is being dishonest in real life, or that you're afraid they might be in the future. Sometimes a dream about dishonesty can mean you're feeling the world is generally dishonest or untrustworthy. Occasionally, a dream about dishonesty means you have been dishonest or have lied to yourself somehow. 

Divan (sofa)
A sofa in a dream can represent rest or relaxation, which may mean you need more of it or you need to be more active. A sofa in a dream can also represent a relationship or communication in a relationship, or it can represent your "alone time" (when you're by yourself, or "out and about" on your own).

Healing, or fixing a problem. To dream that you are visiting a doctor, seeking help for a health problem, means you're subconsciously seeking help or answers regarding a problem in your life (physical or otherwise). A dream that you are physically sick can represent feeling under the weather or not your usual self mentally or physically. Occasionally, a dream that a doctor is healing you can mean that spiritual assistance is being provided to you.

Loyalty, protectiveness. To dream of a dog usually means that these qualities are advantageous for you to have right now. Occasionally, a dog in a dream means that you'd benefit by having less of these qualities right now. A dream dog can also represent a person who you feel is showing these qualities.

A dog in a dream can also represent an actual dog in your life. Very often, a dog in a dream represents your own inner child - meaning that you could benefit from more attention to your need for fun, playfulness, and basic nurturing. A dream about a dog being in trouble or being sick or overlooked means you may be overlooking a responsibility for yourself or your life. A dream about an aggressive dog means you're feeling afraid or threatened (often by a perceived emotional threat) in your real life.

Dollar bill
To dream of a dollar bill represents value or currency of some kind (monetary, mental/emotional, effort, energy, or other things of value) - something you tend to give and receive in your life.

Magic, intuition, tuning into non-verbal communication or cues. To dream of a dolphin usually means that these qualities are advantageous for you to have right now. Occasionally, a dolphin in a dream means that you'd benefit by having less of these qualities right now. A dream dolphin can also represent a person who you feel is showing these qualities.

Humbleness, and the idea of working hard without much payback. To dream of a donkey usually means that these qualities are advantageous for you to have right now. Occasionally, a donkey in a dream means that you'd benefit by having less of these qualities right now. A dream donkey can also represent a person who you feel is showing these qualities.

A door in a dream usually represents a passage from one phase to another in your life, or a new beginning. To dream about opening a door means you are feeling confident enough for whatever's next in your life, or at least curious about it. You could also be searching for answers. Dreaming that a door won't open means you're feeling stuck somehow in your life, unempowered, or believe you're being held back by others (people, God, the universe, etc.). Make sure you're taking responsibility for your life instead of blaming others.

To hear a doorbell in your dream means that an opportunity will soon show up - or maybe it already has! Hearing a doorbell in a dream can also mean you feel someone wants something from you or wants to cross your mental / emotional boundaries (represented by coming into the house in the dream).

Doorknob / door handle
To dream about grabbing a doorknob to open a door means you are feeling confident enough for whatever's next in your life, or it could mean that you're searching for information, answers, or greater understanding. (For clues, think about how you're feeing in the dream.) Dreaming that you're locked in a room and the doorknob is missing or broken means you're feeling trapped, at a dead end, or unempowered in your life somehow.

A doormat in a dream represents a threshold or a passage between two areas. To dream about a welcome mat means you're feeling optimistic about a certain aspect of your life or about what's coming next in your life. To dream someone's wiping their feet on a doormat represents letting go of old issues and baggage before starting anew.

Peace, loyal partnership, prediction. 

Spiritual, magical, or other-worldly. In a dream, this often means that unseen help or a spiritual message is available to you.

A dragon in a dream represents a fantasy symbol of power, magical power, or power that is bigger than life. A dragon in a dream can also represent a challenge, as in a challenge to "slay the dragon."

To dream that Dracula is after you or trying to suck your blood means that you feel someone's trying to take advantage of you, trying to sap your energy, time, attention, personal space or integrity. Someone is trying to take from you without giving back.

To dream you are looking for something in a drawer means you are feeling a void in your life, or you're seeking a way to bring things back into balance in some area of your life.

Drinking an alcoholic beverage
If you dream that you are drinking alcohol, consider the feelings that you feel during the dream. Drinking alcohol in a dream can represent a desire to numb-out and escape a problem or situation, or a desire to feel more relaxed or more interactive with others, or a feeling of boredom or the need for more fun/excitement in your real life in general (totally separate from actual alcohol). 

A driver other than yourself in your dream represents an authority figure in your real life, someone who you're allowing to have a say about some aspect of your life and to make decisions that affect your life direction.

Driver's license
A driver's license in a dream represents your unique personal identity - your self-identity, and the way you think of yourself. If your lose your driver's license in a dream, it means you need to get back on touch with who you really are, deep down. If your driver's license is taken away in a dream, it means you need to step up and take more responsibility for yourself.

A dream that you're driving a car represents the way you're "running your life" right now, or the way you have been recently. Driving in a dream can also represent making progress - or a lack of progress (depending on what happens in the dream) - in real life.

To dream that you are on illegal drugs (and you do not use them in real life) probably means you're not feeling "yourself" or you're feeling out of it (you may be having a Toxic Dream). To dream that someone is trying to get you to use illegal drugs means that you feel someone is trying to exert negative control over you, especially the kind that suppresses your self-identity, or that someone is showing disrespect for your well-being in order to boost their own ego. To dream that you forgot to take your prescription drugs - or that you lost them - mean you're afraid of not living up to a responsibility in your life.

To dream that you are drunk (and you are not actually) probably means you're not feeling "yourself" or you're feeling out of it (you may be having a Toxic Dream).

Family, emotional security, nurturing, and bonding.

Dump, garbage
A person or place that gets "dumped on" with unwanted things, responsibilities, tasks, or toxic emotions or mental "garbage."

A person or place that gets "dumped on" with unwanted things, responsibilities, tasks, or toxic emotions or mental "garbage." If you're secretly getting rid of things by putting them in a dumpster, it means you're shirking responsibilities, being dishonest, or trying to sneak around authority or rules somehow in your life.

DVR (digital video recorder)
Memory, control of environment and/or scheduling, delayed gratification. To dream that you're recording a TV show represents your need to do better at creating environments you like, and participating in activities you enjoy, and following schedules that work well for you. To record something on a DVR can also mean that there's something right now that you feel is important to remember.

Dye your hair
To dream that you have dyed your hair means you are exploring one or more alternate self-identities, or that you could use a change of pace, or that you would like others to react differently to you somehow.

Dying (you)
To dream that you are dying means an end of one phase of your life before you enter the next phase, or means that some aspect of your life situation coming to an end. A dream that you are dying can also mean you have low "life energy" or a weariness in your life. This could point to a situation that's sapping you emotionally or mentally, or a physical condition that makes you tired, etc.

Dying (someone else)
To dream that someone else has died represents an end of a phase for that person before a new phase begins, or means that some aspect of your situation with that person is changing or coming to an end.


Usually represents feelings of freedom, sexuality or a positive attitude.

If you dream you cannot find someone in the darkness, you need to keep your temper in better control in real life. To dream of being lost in the darkness represents feelings of insecurity or sadness. If you are groping around in the darkness in your dream, you are having trouble making a decision because you don't have enough information. Do your research and do not rush into a choice.

Dreaming about being on a date suggests that you are getting to know some hidden aspects of yourself. You are acknowledging your hidden talents. Alternatively, it may reflect your anxieties about dating or finding acceptance.

Dreams about death are not necessarily bad omens, but they usually represent anxious or angry feelings. To dream of your own death is actually positive - it means renewal and letting go of an old stage of life. This is also a common dream when you are getting over an illness - and it's a good sign that you are getting better. However, if you dream that you are dying slowly, you need to drastically change your routine and reenergize your life. To dream about the death of a loved one suggests that you are lacking a certain quality that the loved one represents.

Represent negativity and distress. Seeing demons in dreams also forewarns of overindulgence. If you dream of being possessed by demons, you are feeling helpless about something.

Dreaming about feeling depressed indicates that you are having a hard time figuring out the root of your sadness. You may also be facing consequences for your actions.

Signifies guilt or shame about your actions. You need to learn to forgive yourself. Are you punishing yourself for something?

If you dream of writing in a diary, you should pay close attention to the other symbols in your dream because they contain an important key to your future happiness. To dream that someone is reading your diary, or to dream that your diary is stolen, indicates that you are keeping secrets. You have difficulties telling others how you really feel.

To dream that you are eating dinner alone means that you will need to do some serious thinking about your goals and direction in life. Alternatively, it may represent independence or lack of social skills. To dream that you are eating dinner with others is positive, signifying your acceptance of others. It suggests that now is a time to reflect and share past experiences.

If you dream of being in dirty or messy surroundings, it is a positive omen meaning that whatever is worrying you will soon come to an orderly conclusion.

To dream of visiting a doctor at his office represents disagreements between members of a family. Dreams of talking to a doctor in a social setting (like a party) are very lucky, meaning you will have good health and prosperity. If you dream that you are engaged to marry a doctor, someone you know could be trying to deceive you. Dreaming that a doctor makes an incision in your flesh means you may be bothered by some malicious person or have bad luck in your finances.

Pay attention to dreams about dogs, as they often bring important messages. Dog dreams that are positive mean that the dreamer is lucky in friendship. A threatening dog signifies discomfort with large social groups. 

Dream doors can have several meanings: An open door means a new opportunity while walking through a door means you will take it. A choice of many doorways represents a difficult decision you must make in real life. A locked door means someone is hiding things or is stopping you from doing something you want, especially if you were locked out of someplace. If you are locked in, you might have a change of location in your life.

To dream that you are drinking water indicates spiritual refreshment. You will find fulfillment and peace by looking within yourself and into your past. To dream that you are drinking alcohol denotes that you are seeking either pleasure or escape. To dream of drinking alcohol in excess signifies feelings of insecurity and regret; you worry that people will discover who you really are.

To dream that you are driving a vehicle signifies your life's journey and your path in life. The dream is telling of how you are moving and navigating through life. If you are driving and cannot see the road ahead of you, then it indicates that you do not know where you are headed in life and what you really want to do with yourself. You are lacking direction and goals. Dreaming of driving a car in reverse suggests you have set unrealistic financial or career goals for yourself.

Drowning in a dream signifies you can no longer hide your feelings about a certain situation. These dreams usually occur when the dreamer is feeling overwhelmed in real life.

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